Hi list,

I've got an issue at the moment, which isn't really a big problem, but an untidy annoyance really, and I'd just like to understand what the best practice might be when dealing with the issue.

As a really quick summary, the issue is that Puppet is starting up the mysqld service for the first time as unconfined_u, and then when MySQL goes and creates a load of its initial files also as unconfined_u, Puppet goes and resets them all to system_u which is what they should be when checking matchpathcon:

The thing is, because the service is started as unconfined_u, any databases/tables that are created are going to inherit that, and puppet is going to be resetting them.

For some more detail, I've written something which will set the mysqld_db_t selinux file_context on my data directories which are in /home, and I have a notify which will go and check and re-set the selinux file_context if there are any changes in these directories. They're set to recurse, so to stop Puppet changing things from unconfined_u to system_u on a regular basis, and sending refresh notices to my Exec resources, I've set selinux_ignore_defaults to true in my File resources.

This strikes me as a bit of a dirty way of doing things, and I was wondering if anyone had any better ideas of how to manage this.

Please find below a sample of the relevant code - because I'm sure my verbose description is probably leaving some people scratching their heads! :) I was going to make the file_context stuff much more re-usable, but want to get my head around the best practices first - as I'm not that experiened with all of this stuff to be honest!

Many thanks.  Tom.

  # List of directories we're going to use with MySQL
  $mysqldirs = [ "/home/data", "/home/logs", "/home/mysqltmp", ]

  # Set SELinux contexts
  define add_selinux_context ($context = "mysqld_db_t") {
    file { $name:
      ensure  => "directory",
      owner   => "mysql",
      group   => "mysql",
      seltype => "mysqld_db_t",
      selinux_ignore_defaults => "true",
      recurse => "true",
      require => Package["mysql-server"],
notify => [ Exec["add_file_context_${context}_${name}"], Exec["set_file_context_${context}_${name}"], ],

    # Set the default file_context regex for the path
    exec { "add_file_context_${context}_${name}":
      command => "semanage fcontext -a -t ${context} \"${name}(/.*)?\"",
unless => "semanage fcontext -l | grep '^${name}(/.*)?:${context}:'",
      require => [ Package["policycoreutils-python"], File[$name], ],
      refreshonly => "true",

    # Reset the file_context using restorecon
    exec { "set_file_context_${context}_${name}":
      command => "restorecon -R ${name}",
unless => "ls -d --scontext ${name} | awk -F: '{print \$3}' | grep \"${context}\"",
      require => File["$name"],
      refreshonly => "true",

  add_selinux_context { $mysqldirs:
    context => "mysqld_db_t",

  # Keep it running
  service { "mysqld":
    ensure    => "running",
    hasstatus => true,
    require   => [ Package["mysql-server"], File[$mysqldirs], ]

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