On 2012-10-11 14:59, TFML wrote:
> I've got a Nagios setup with puppet to add nodes/contacts/command
> running at one datacenter, I'm trying to setup a second Nagios server
> using the same manifests, but I'm getting this error:
> info: Retrieving plugin
> info: Loading facts in snmpd
> info: Loading facts in snmpd
> err: Could not retrieve catalog from remote server: Error 400 on SERVER:
> Exported resource Nagios_timeperiod[24x7] cannot override local resource
> on node nagios2.theflux.net <http://nagios2.theflux.net>

your manifests are probably exporting the same resources twice.

you might want to verify either that one nagios server is exporting
these and the second is collecting them, or that both create them as
local resources and collect host/service definitions from other nodes.

Gabriel Filion

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