On 15/10/12 16:52, Eugene Vilensky wrote:
> On Oct 14, 2012, at 12:40 PM, Dominic Cleal <dcl...@redhat.com
> <mailto:dcl...@redhat.com>> wrote:
>> You're missing quotes around "nrpe", the command should be:
>> set /files/etc/hosts.allow/*[process='nrpe']/client[last()+1]
>> rodjek's example has the quotes in, so just a transcription error.
> Totally works for an existing 'nrpe' node (thanks!) but not if it does
> not exist.  I don't suppose there is a simple "create onlyif not exists"
> expression? (http://augeas.net/page/Path_expressions)

The best way to do this currently is two separate resources, splitting
out the responsibilities so that one adds "nrpe" and the client
"" if the process isn't there already.  The second, if you need
it, will run if "nrpe" is already listed but the client "" isn't.

$process = "nrpe"
$client = ""

# Responsible for adding nrpe if it isn't there
augeas { "process-${process}":
  context => "/files/etc/hosts.allow",
  changes => [
    "set /files/etc/hosts.allow/01/process ${process}",
    "set /files/etc/hosts.allow/01/client[.='${client}'] ${client}",
  onlyif  => "match *[process='${process}'] size == 0",

# Responsible for updating existing nrpe entries missing the client
augeas { "process-${process}-client":
  context => "/files/etc/hosts.allow",
  changes => "set
  require => Augeas["process-${process}"],

I've changed this from last()+1 to a style that makes the command

Dominic Cleal
Red Hat Consulting
m: +44 (0)7817 878113

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