I applied the fixes to my test/staging config and it's not very happy.   I 
think I'll just wait for the official fix to be out before I move forward 
with 3.x. :-)

For giggles, here's the log:

# puppet agent --test
Ignoring --listen on onetime run

Warning: Unable to fetch my node definition, but the agent run will 
Warning: Error 403 on SERVER: Forbidden request: 
stage1.myserver.com( access to /node/stage1.myserver.com [find] 
authenticated  at :102

Info: Retrieving plugin

Error: /File[/var/lib/puppet/lib]: Failed to generate additional resources 
using 'eval_generate: Error 403 on SERVER: 

Forbidden request: stage1.myserver.com( access to 
/file_metadata/plugins [search] authenticated  at :102

Error: /File[/var/lib/puppet/lib]: Could not evaluate: Error 403 on SERVER: 
Forbidden request: stage1.myserver.com( access to 
/file_metadata/plugins [find] authenticated  at :102 Could not retrieve 
file metadata for puppet://stage1.myserver.com/plugins: Error 403 on 
SERVER: Forbidden request: stage1.myserver.com( access to 
/file_metadata/plugins [find] authenticated  at :102

Info: Caching catalog for stage1.myserver.com
Info: Applying configuration version '1351113815'

Error: /Stage[main]/Ntp-client/File[/etc/ntp.conf]: Could not evaluate: 
Error 403 on SERVER: Forbidden request: stage1.myserver.com( 
access to /file_metadata/etc/ntp.conf [find] authenticated  at :102 Could 
not retrieve file metadata for puppet:///etc/ntp.conf: Error 403 on SERVER: 
Forbidden request: stage1.myserver.com( access to 
/file_metadata/etc/ntp.conf [find] authenticated  at :102
/Stage[main]/Ntp-client/Service[ntpd]: Dependency File[/etc/ntp.conf] has 
failures: true

Warning: /Stage[main]/Ntp-client/Service[ntpd]: Skipping because of failed 

Everything under /var/lib/puppet was created by the puppetmaster -- 
/var/lib/puppet/lib is owned by root:root as it is on my /working/ puppet 

[ fileserver.conf ]

path /etc/puppet/files
allow *

[ auth.conf ]

path ~ ^/file_(metadata|content)/files/
auth yes
allow /^(.+\.)?example.com$/

I tried the last one, 127/24, to see if the issue was with the client 
connecting locally; made no difference.

Everything else in auth.conf is "allow *"

We have a set of files in /etc/puppet/files/etc/blah-blah that are copied 
over to the clients.  They are not in a module (don't need to be).   I read 
somewhere that you need to put your files in the modules that belong to 
them, this doesn't apply here as far as I can tell.

In any case... that's all going off on a tangent.    I hope the fix will be 
out soon :-)


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