On 10/26/2012 5:21 PM, Michael Stahnke wrote:
On Fri, Oct 26, 2012 at 10:36 AM, Ramin K <ramin-l...@badapple.net> wrote:

   $file = $::operatingsystem ? {
     /(?i:oel|oraclelinux)/ => '/some/file',
     /(?i:debian|ubuntu)/   => '/some/other/file',
     default                => '/file',

I recommend using $::osfamily which will return RedHat.

Agreed, but you'll end up wrapping the whole thing in a facterversion case statement due to the number of facter 1.5.x installs which don't have osfamily. :-( Had to deal with this case when publishing a Forge module last week.

PSA: everyone upgrade to facter 1.6 already!


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