On Tue, Nov 6, 2012 at 7:29 AM, Vaidas Jablonskis <jablons...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi People,
> I would like some insight from you on how to easily manage SSL certs/keys.
> My puppet infrastructure is pretty straight forward:
> puppet3+puppetdb+hiera+hiera-gpg.
> I am in the process of writing tons of modules, which are pretty general
> modules with no hardcoded dependencies between them. As I am going forward
> with building modules and stuff I came across an issue how to manage SSL
> certs.
> Let me give you an example scenario:
> I have a node named "node.example.com" which gets some apps configured by
> puppet by 3 different modules, let's call them app1, app2 and app3. Those
> application require SSL certificates to function properly. The CN of the
> cert needs to reflect the hostname of the node.
> What options do I have here? From my opinion I could:
> 1. Use hiera text blocks and store certs/keys in hiera/hiera-gpg in a
> variable something like: "ssl_cert_node.example.com" and
> "ssl_key_node.example.com" and then reference this variable inside a module
> using variables so nothing is hardcoded.
> 2. Build an SSL module which would distribute certs/keys taken from
> hiera/hiera-gpg.
> Any other ideas? I do not want to use module dependencies and I hate
> hardcoding stuff into modules.

I use the "private" area in the puppet file server.

$ cat /etc/puppet/fileserver.conf
  path /etc/puppet/private/%h
  allow *

For example:

  file { "/etc/ssh/ssh_host_dsa_key":
    mode    => 0600,
    source  => "puppet:///private/etc/ssh/ssh_host_dsa_key",
    require => Class["ssh::install"],
    notify  => Service["ssh"],


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