Morning, all.  I've got a problem with a custom class and template that has me 
stumped.  I've created the following class:

    class graphite::carbon(
        $cache_port = 2003,
        $cache_enable_udp = false,
        $cache_udp_port = $cache_port,
    ) {
        package {'carbon': }
        file {'/etc/carbon/carbon.conf':
            content => template("graphite/carbon.conf.erb"),

            require => Package['carbon'],
            notify  => Service['carbon-cache'],

        service {'carbon-cache':
            enable  => true,
            ensure  => running,
            require => Package['carbon'],

carbon.conf.erb contains this:

    UDP_RECEIVER_PORT = <%= cache_udp_port %>

And I use the class like this:

    class {'graphite::carbon': }

The problem I'm having is that, without making any changes *AT ALL* 
UDP_RECEIVER_PORT will sometimes have the default port of "2003" and other 
times "undef".  This is with Puppet 2.7.17 in standalone mode.

Am I doing something wrong with the definition of cache_udp_port?  I want it to 
default to the value provided for cache_port, which defaults to 2003.


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