On Monday, January 7, 2013 11:44:00 AM UTC-6, Garrett Honeycutt wrote:
> Webrick is useful for doing a demo and learning about Puppet with a 
> couple of nodes. It is not at all meant to scale and if you attempt to 
> run your eight agents, you are likely to have performance issues. If 
> this is a production level deployment, you should look at Apache with 
> Passenger. 
Only eight?  I have webrick reliably serving in excess of 50 clients, all 
updating at the default rate of twice per hour.

Webrick's biggest problem is not performance *per se*, it's lack of 
multiple threads.  Apache / passenger does not make Puppet faster; it just 
runs more instances and handles contemporaneous requests more gracefully.  
Thus it improves *throughput* when there are enough system resources behind 
it, but that's not exactly the same thing as performance.

I think webrick works well for me because my manifests change infrequently 
and are fairly quick to compile (even though the master is not particularly 
well-provisioned).  In that context, the master can serve catalog requests 
quickly enough that clients rarely time out, despite webrick's 
single-threaded nature.

My recommendation for a new Puppeteer would certainly be to start out with 
webrick, since it works out of the box with no additional software or 
configuration.  Switch to Passenger or something more capable only when 
webrick becomes inadequate.  When that will be depends a lot on the 
manifests involved, the hardware underneath, the number of clients, and the 
request frequency.


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