On Thursday, January 10, 2013 2:53:34 PM UTC-6, Vladimir Rutsky wrote:
> Sorry, there is a typo in example:
> define python_virtualenv( $directory ) {
>   # Setup virtualenv in directory here
>   ...
>   $easy_install = "${directory}/bin/easy_install"
> }
> And use it in this way:
> python_virtualenv { 'env for Django':
>   directory => '/opt/django/env'
> }
> python_virtualenv { 'env for Worker':
>   directory => '/opt/worker/env'
> }
> # Now I want to use easy_install from created virtual environments:
> class { 'django':
>   easy_install => ???$Python_virtualenv['env for Django']::easy_install???
> }
> class { 'django-cache':
>   easy_install => ???$Python_virtualenv['env for Django']::easy_install???
> }
> class { 'worker':
>   easy_install => ???$Python_virtualenv['env for Worker']::easy_install???
> }
> Question remains the same: how to access $easy_install variable defined 
> inside type define resource?  
You can't.  Defines, or as the are more formally called, defined types, act 
more like the built in resource types rather than classes. The variables 
and parameters from a define can only be accessed from the define itself, 
and from templates invoked within the define.


> Vladimir Rutsky

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