On May 24, 2013, at 1:53 AM, Greg Sutcliffe <greg.sutcli...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I've hit this, but it's because I have the main Puppetlabs repo in my preseed 
> file for new virtual machines, so it's available within the installer 
> environment. That's just text, so I only have a line for "deb 
> http://apt.puppetlabs.com <distro> main"
> I think the "install a deb which sets up the repos" is good for most people, 
> but there should always be the docs for the manual apt setup for those going 
> a different route. As of right now, I don't see a "dependencies" repo 
> mentioned anywhere on the page you linked, Eric
> I'll also add a voice the question on the logic behind a separate 
> dependencies repo, although only because you're adding work to your 
> documentation requirements ;)

Hi Greg, thanks for the info -- I slightly disagree that the docs should 
describe manual installation; IMO they should describe supported/official ways 
to do things, because anything that's documented gets interpreted as being 
supported and official :)

That said, we could punch up the importance of including the deps repository. 
It's been necessary for EL users for a long time, but this was the first Puppet 
release that pulled in a hard dependency for Debian-based systems.

There's an administrative reason and a technical reason for the dependencies 
1. administratively, it indicates which packages are derived from 
puppetlabs-owned repos vs upstream projects
2. technically, those packages can be provided by other sources so the separate 
repo keeps them from cross-polluting your system.

As an extreme but real-world example the EL5 dependencies repo contains an 
updated Ruby package, and it'd be surprising/dangerous to update Ruby on 
everyone's system when they thought they were just getting Puppet.

We'll do a better job in the future of 
(a) pointing out the necessity of the dependencies repo in the release notes
(b) featuring the Upgrading guide ( 
http://docs.puppetlabs.com/guides/upgrading.html ) more prominently, as it has 
best practice for safe upgrading 

(PS I'll note for the record, that page says: "We highly recommend avoiding 
unintentional upgrades." and goes into detail about how to do that.)

Eric Sorenson - eric.soren...@puppetlabs.com
#puppet irc: eric0 

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