I'm working on configuring a master in a lab environment, using Puppet Open 
Source.  My master is running RHEL 6.

I want to use modules to manage the master itself as much as possible, so I 
can use puppet to bootstrap itself as I go forward and move into production.

Using puppetlabs/puppetdb to configure puppetdb, I've overcome most of my 
issues but I have two questions.

1) I had to set max-threads higher than my CPU count in 
/etc/puppetdb/conf.d/jetty.ini before I could get jetty to behave well.  I 
haven't yet determined if there is a way through the puppetdb module to 
manage this directly--I plan to dig on that, but if someone knows off the 
top of their heads I'd like to know....

2) less likely for me to find in the docs, and no luck googling so 
far--when puppetdb modules are applied, they attempt to restart 
puppetmaster.  But since the puppet master is actually running out of 
passenger/apache, the restart needs to be service httpd restart, not 
service puppetmaster restart, and the puppetmaster service restart fails. 
Is there a way to tell the module that I'm using passenger and should 
restart httpd instead?  Should I just link /etc/init.d/puppetmaster to 
/etc/init.d/httpd?  That seems like an obvious solution, but I'm not sure 
if it's "right".....


# cat manifests/master-config.pp
include epel
class { 'puppetdb':
        listen_address => 'puppet.example.com',
        open_listen_port => true,
class { 'puppetdb::master::config': }

selboolean { "httpd_can_network_connect":
        persistent => true,
        value => on,

# puppet apply master-config.pp
Warning: Config file /etc/puppet/hiera.yaml not found, using Hiera defaults
Error: Could not start Service[puppetmaster]: Execution of '/sbin/service 
puppet master start' returned 1:
Error: /Stage[main]/Puppetdb::Master::Config/Service[puppetmaster]/ensure: 
change from stopped to running failed: Could not start 
Service[puppetmaster]: Execution of '/sbin/service puppetmaster start' 
returned 1:

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