Yes, I did set the max-threads count manually.  I'm pretty green, and
I'm under a fairly aggressive schedule, so I'm not very likely to file
a patch soon, but maybe once I get through the next two months.....I
expect not to be so green by then :-).  In the meantime I will work
out a workaround.  I only have 6 production masters to deploy so even
manual intervention will work but I figure I'll play with delivering
the file etc. before I go that route.

On the master service, that should help.  I will try the first
suggestion  and if it doesn't work I'll go with the second and make
sure my documentation has good warnings about watching it during

I really appreciate the pointers, thank you!


On Fri, Sep 6, 2013 at 3:49 PM, Ken Barber <> wrote:
>> 1) I had to set max-threads higher than my CPU count in
>> /etc/puppetdb/conf.d/jetty.ini before I could get jetty to behave well.  I
>> haven't yet determined if there is a way through the puppetdb module to
>> manage this directly--I plan to dig on that, but if someone knows off the
>> top of their heads I'd like to know....
> From a PuppetDB perspective, we already have a fix for this:
> ... just awaiting the next
> release of 1.3.x/1.4.x.
> The gist of the change is that we will no longer allow settings that
> 'break' Jetty 7, and will just raise the setting to an acceptable
> level and warn the user instead. The 'bug' doesn't exist in Jetty 9,
> so it should go away when we eventually get around to upgrading that.
> As far as the module, we don't support it directly as you can see:
> ... I presume you fixed this for yourself by adding an ini_setting.
> I'm less impressed with this mechanism today, and in the future I want
> to rewrite this implementation so settings aren't so 'static' - that
> way we won't fall behind. Either way, feel free to raise a bug on the
> fact we don't manage such a setting, or for bonus points raise a
> patch.
> Bugs for the module are here:
>> 2) less likely for me to find in the docs, and no luck googling so far--when
>> puppetdb modules are applied, they attempt to restart puppetmaster.  But
>> since the puppet master is actually running out of passenger/apache, the
>> restart needs to be service httpd restart, not service puppetmaster restart,
>> and the puppetmaster service restart fails. Is there a way to tell the
>> module that I'm using passenger and should restart httpd instead?  Should I
>> just link /etc/init.d/puppetmaster to /etc/init.d/httpd?  That seems like an
>> obvious solution, but I'm not sure if it's "right".....
> So if you have 'httpd' managed elsewhere, ie:
> service { 'httpd':
>   ensure => running,
>   enabled => true,
>   hasstatus => true,
> }
> You can just use:
> class { 'puppetdb::master::config':
>   puppet_service_name => 'httpd'
> }
> Although I'm wary of parse order being a problem here:
> So ... if the above doesn't work for you try:
> class { 'puppetdb::master::config':
>   restart_puppet => false,
> }
> Class['puppetdb::master::puppetdb_conf'] ~> Service['httpd']
> Which is nasty (and I'm warning you now it will probably break at a
> random point in the future, since it taps internals), but replicates
> the internals without trying to conditionally declare service {
> 'httpd': }. *sigh*.
> ken.
> --
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