Was there ever a solution to this issue?

I appear to be having a similar (if not the same) issue:

By adding some debug code to client.rb, it appears that the replies I'm 
getting have no requestid at all.

<         Log.warn("Ignoring a message that did not pass security 
>         Log.warn("Ignoring a message that did not pass security 
validations: requestid #{requestid} - #{reply.requestid}")

Which produces the following message when I run mco ping (or any other 

warn 2013/10/14 10:26:13: client.rb:99:in `rescue in receive' Ignoring a 
message that did not pass security validations: requestid 
8d0b3938113259a3ac7d878b365ad522 - 

Looking at mcollective.log on the server (set to 'debug' level), I see the 
request being processed:

D, [2013-10-14T10:26:13.237675 #12265] DEBUG -- : runnerstats.rb:49:in 
`received' Incrementing total stat
D, [2013-10-14T10:26:13.237794 #12265] DEBUG -- : pluginmanager.rb:83:in 
`[]' Returning cached plugin security_plugin with class 
D, [2013-10-14T10:26:13.237896 #12265] DEBUG -- : ssl.rb:222:in 
`deserialize' De-Serializing using marshal
D, [2013-10-14T10:26:13.238027 #12265] DEBUG -- : ssl.rb:175:in 
`validrequest?' Validating request from cert=jeg-mc
D, [2013-10-14T10:26:13.238868 #12265] DEBUG -- : runnerstats.rb:38:in 
`validated' Incrementing validated stat
D, [2013-10-14T10:26:13.238958 #12265] DEBUG -- : ssl.rb:222:in 
`deserialize' De-Serializing using marshal
D, [2013-10-14T10:26:13.239067 #12265] DEBUG -- : pluginmanager.rb:83:in 
`[]' Returning cached plugin security_plugin with class 
D, [2013-10-14T10:26:13.239186 #12265] DEBUG -- : pluginmanager.rb:83:in 
`[]' Returning cached plugin security_plugin with class 
D, [2013-10-14T10:26:13.239316 #12265] DEBUG -- : base.rb:153:in 
`validate_filter?' Message passed the filter checks
D, [2013-10-14T10:26:13.239487 #12265] DEBUG -- : runnerstats.rb:26:in 
`passed' Incrementing passed stat
D, [2013-10-14T10:26:13.239557 #12265] DEBUG -- : runner.rb:80:in 
`agentmsg' Handling message for agent 'discovery' on collective 
D, [2013-10-14T10:26:13.239624 #12265] DEBUG -- : agents.rb:119:in 
`dispatch' Dispatching a message to agent discovery
D, [2013-10-14T10:26:13.239713 #12265] DEBUG -- : pluginmanager.rb:83:in 
`[]' Returning cached plugin discovery_agent with class 
D, [2013-10-14T10:26:13.239782 #12265] DEBUG -- : activemq.rb:233:in 
`receive' Waiting for a message from ActiveMQ
D, [2013-10-14T10:26:13.240053 #12265] DEBUG -- : pluginmanager.rb:83:in 
`[]' Returning cached plugin security_plugin with class 
D, [2013-10-14T10:26:13.240360 #12265] DEBUG -- : pluginmanager.rb:83:in 
`[]' Returning cached plugin security_plugin with class 
D, [2013-10-14T10:26:13.240440 #12265] DEBUG -- : ssl.rb:208:in `serialize' 
Serializing using marshal
D, [2013-10-14T10:26:13.240525 #12265] DEBUG -- : ssl.rb:307:in `makehash' 
Creating message hash using /etc/mcollective/server_private.pem
D, [2013-10-14T10:26:13.243567 #12265] DEBUG -- : base.rb:168:in 
`create_reply' Encoded a message for request 
D, [2013-10-14T10:26:13.243670 #12265] DEBUG -- : ssl.rb:208:in `serialize' 
Serializing using marshal
D, [2013-10-14T10:26:13.243956 #12265] DEBUG -- : pluginmanager.rb:83:in 
`[]' Returning cached plugin connector_plugin with class 
D, [2013-10-14T10:26:13.244059 #12265] DEBUG -- : activemq.rb:266:in 
`publish' Sending a broadcast message to ActiveMQ target 
'/queue/mcollective.reply.wolf.shands.ufl.edu_24887' with headers '{}'
D, [2013-10-14T10:26:13.245763 #12265] DEBUG -- : runnerstats.rb:56:in 
`sent' Incrementing replies stat

It looks suspiciously like the reply created by base.rb is empty-- But I'm 
not sure how to proceed from here with troubleshooting since I don't know 
what a valid reply looks like.

On Friday, June 7, 2013 4:25:19 AM UTC-4, Richard Knight wrote:
> Anybody else had any luck solving this? I've tried on 3 separate boxes now 
> all seem to suffer the same problem, and the logs are somewhat unhelpful is 
> tracking down why this is occurring.

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