
I am a recent convert to puppet and git and have become a huge fan so the 
concept on keeping modules under git/vcs control is well and truly 
accepted.  I'm not clear on how to keep the /etc/puppet/manifests in sync 
with the modules, however.

Case in point:  I have two puppet instances running, one, "prod", 
running/maintaining a set of physical linux systems and one, "dev", running 
on a set of KVMs on which I'm doing most of my testing.

I use the master branch of the dev instance as the place to test out 
changes to the things that I eventually want in prod.  Put another way, the 
prod instance pulls changes from the dev master branch.  So far, pretty 

The dev instance also has a testing branch in which I can go hog wild. 
 Doing this, though, I occasionally have to update the 
/etc/puppet/manifests/nodes.pp file to include additional testing modules. 
 When I switch back to the master branch on dev, I have to re update that 
file manually.  It seems there should be a better way to keep these in sync.

I pondered putting the entire /etc/puppet directory under one repo; but 
that would make migrating changes to my prod instance an ugly process. 
 Host names changed, puppet.conf file's different, etc, etc.  

The only thing I've thought of is creating a softlink from 
/etc/puppet/manifests/nodes.pp -> /etc/puppet/modules/nodes.pp.  I'm sure 
that'll work as the nodes would get switched to whatever git branch is 
current; but, I wanted to find out if there's a better, cleaner, more 
standard method.

Any hints/tips/suggestions greatly appreciated.


Doug O'Leary

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