
This one should be easy; but, so far, it's eluding me.

I would like to configure ssh to use a different directory for authorized 
keys files.  I have the file resource which that works on its own.  I want 
the file resource to call the exec to set the selinux type on the directory 
when needed.  Here's what I have:

class ssh::config
    define sshdir_selinux() {
        exec {  "/usr/bin/chcon -R -t ssh_home_t 
$ssh::params::ssh_authkey_dir": }
#     exec { 'sshdir_selinux':
#         command => "chcon -R -t ssh_home_t $ssh::params::ssh_authkey_dir",
#         path    => '/usr/bin',
#         require => File["$ssh::params::ssh_authkey_dir"],
#     }
    file {  $ssh::params::ssh_authkey_dir:
            ensure   => directory,
            owner    => root,
            group    => root,
            mode     => '0755',
    file {  $ssh::params::ssh_rootkeys:
            ensure   => present,
            owner    => root,
            group    => sys,
            mode     => '0750',
            source   => 'puppet:///modules/ssh/authorized_keys.root',
            sshdir_selinux { },

My searches 
 seem to indicate this is the right syntax; but I keep getting:

# ptest 
Error: Syntax error at '{'; expected '}' at 
/root/modules/ssh/manifests/config.pp:62 on node puppet.olearycomputers.com
Error: Syntax error at '{'; expected '}' at 
/root/modules/ssh/manifests/config.pp:62 on node puppet.olearycomputers.com

when I run it.

I have made the process work by using the straight exec that's commented in 
the code above; but, that'll call chcon every time that puppet's run (as I 
understand it).  I would rather have it called only when a key file is 

Appreciate any hints/tips/suggestions.

Doug O'Leary

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