On Sunday, November 17, 2013 2:33:54 PM UTC-6, dkoleary wrote:
> Hi;
> This one should be easy; but, so far, it's eluding me.
> I would like to configure ssh to use a different directory for authorized 
> keys files.  I have the file resource which that works on its own.  I want 
> the file resource to call the exec to set the selinux type on the directory 
> when needed.

That is not the Puppet way.

You seem to be approaching Puppet as if it were a script engine.  It is 
not.  One resource does not call another; in fact no resource, not even one 
of defined type, is "called" by anything.  Your manifests simply describe 
the target state you want Puppet to enforce.  Where one aspect of the 
target state depends on another, your manifests may also direct the agent 
to synchronize some resources before others.  Whatever the state you 
describe, however, Puppet figures out most of the details of what to do on 
its own.

Moreover, I suspect you are confusing Puppet defined types with macros.  
Puppet DSL does not have a macro facility.  The "define" keyword introduces 
a user-defined *resource type*, with substantially the same usage rules as 
any of the built-in resource types.


>  Here's what I have:


>     file {  $ssh::params::ssh_rootkeys:
>             ensure   => present,
>             owner    => root,
>             group    => sys,
>             mode     => '0750',
>             source   => 'puppet:///modules/ssh/authorized_keys.root',
>             sshdir_selinux { },

Right there ^^^^ is the syntax error Puppet is complaining about.  A 
resource declaration's parameter list may contain only parameters.  Even if 
you could declare another resource there, your syntax is incorrect for 
that, too, because it is missing a resource title.

As Neil suggested, do look into the SELinux support built directly into the 
File type.  Puppet splits the context information across several parameters 
(selrole, etc.), and it will probably be much easier and more consistent to 
use those than to set up an Exec to modify the context after the fact.  It 
will likely be a lot faster, too, when the file already exists with the 
correct context.


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