On 2013-12-17, 16:31, Ben Ford wrote:

> If you override something in a recursive directory, you're
> overriding everything.
I see, that makes sense.

> If you add source => 'puppet:///modules/nagios/var_lib_nagios/plugins' then 
> I suspect you'll get what you want.
You are right, that did it.  Thanks!

> I should also point out that this is unnecessary, as Puppet will
> automatically promote read permissions to read & execute permissions
> for directories.
No, not exactly as the mode definition is meant for the files in the
subdirectory.  There are executables in "bin" and "plugins".

So, what would be a better way of changing the mode of some files
within a directory resource with "recurse" activated?  Adding "source"
for all of them seems awkward...

Thanks for your help!

 Suburbia is where the developer bulldozes out the trees,
 then names the streets after them.
   (Bill Vaughan)

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