Am 20.01.14 09:02, schrieb Robert Turk:
You can get list of directories under /Users from facter and then
build an array out of it and use this in your manifest.
I tested your solution and here is what I have done:
I created a custom fact which returns a list of directories under /Users:
facter local_user_list => user1,user2
Next in puppet I created the following code:
class wallpaper_plist {
case $macosx_productversion_major {
'10.8': { $plist_name = '' }
'10.6': { $plist_name = '' }
default: { warn( 'macosx_productversion_major does not
match 10.8 or 10.6' ) }
define user_resource {
file {
owner => "${name}",
group => 'staff',
mode => 600,
ensure => file,
source => "puppet:///modules/wallpaper_plist/${plist_name}",
user_resource { $array_userlist: }
This code works, but it gives me a directory for the file resource. And
not a file like it is said in the code.
Any ideas?
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