On Mon, Apr 14, 2014 at 07:05:49AM -0700, Alexander Fortin wrote:
> On Sunday, April 13, 2014 11:57:19 AM UTC+2, Johan De Wit wrote:
> >
> > I still am so surprised when asking who is doing some kind of 'testing', 
> > almost nobody raises is hand ..... 
> >
> > Most people just don't' see the sense of doing rspec unit tests - why 
> > writing the same code twice ? 
> >
> > Well, I think there is still a lot of talking to do .... 
> >
> >
> Hi Johan,
> sorry for the missed presentation at Puppet User Group Berlin, I'll make it 
> one day or another and I'll share the slides at least ;)
> I'll be very happy to discuss further the testing topic, because testing is 
> also very important to us. Actually we do lots of testing on our manifests 
> (but not with rspec) and catalogs, and precisely I think that puppet 
> catalog-diff [1] is the key piece in the pipeline for us, because it shows 
> us for real what's actually changing with every commit we push to our 
> manifests, plus the noop runs before merging to prod give us the final safe 
> net to be sure we don't get any unexpected change in production. For the 
> last 8 months or so it's been working surprisingly well for us and I'm 
> really willing to share our experience with the community and also getting 
> and suggestions about how to improve it even further.
> By the way, I'm another one that's not so convinced about the rspec tests 
> value, to me seems that the unit tests themselves are much less relevant 
> for a declarative-like language like Puppet. I mean, there's no 'design' 
> that has to emerge by the unit tests getting green, in our team we already 
> share a defined design for module structure, and, say, if the coder write 
> the spec for a file to be there, I don't see why I should trust that more 
> than a definition of that same thing in the manifest itself, hence the 
> feeling of code duplication with no real value added.

I see the value of using rspec in TDD just because I can then go back
and refactor the manifests properly. I haven't used catalog-diff but I
am suspecting that it might be a substitute for the rspec tests. Tell me
does it provide the following:

* Automatic runs through guard/rake/whatever on every commit to verify
that I am not breaking things like permissions on files
* Does it work on the catalog semantic level or syntactic level - what
I mean by that is that if I have defined 4 files in a class each with
the same user/group/mode and I move those into default parameters for
the File resource in the scope - will it detect that I am not changing
* Will I be able to test that things haven't changed once I move to
another puppet version - let's say the default mode for directories
change in the next major puppet version?

> What I can see very clearly for normal software development, those values 
> coming from TDD, I can't see easily for Puppet manifests writing. Something 
> like Beaker [2] is what we'd like to add to our testing pipeline, i.e. 
> running tests for the full stack in a VM, but again, stil more then willing 
> to change my mind about rspec-puppet ;)

Beaker with http://serverspec.org/ is quite nice - note that I am still
not using it long enough to complain(waiting it to happen :))

> [1] https://github.com/ripienaar/puppet-catalog-diff
> [2] https://github.com/puppetlabs/beaker/wiki/Overview
> -- 
> http://about.me/alexanderfortin

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