On Tuesday, May 20, 2014 3:38:51 AM UTC-5, DjE wrote:
>  Hi all, 
> We find that the yumrepo resource is flapping on RedHat 6 Enterprise with 
> the redhat.repo file since Puppet 3.4.x version (due to a change about 
> attribute content control)
> We have updated with the latest Puppet 3.6 server and agent, because we 
> saw this commit : 
> https://github.com/puppetlabs/puppet/commit/9c25f75febe4df7d900e553824c9379cb7367c76,
> but the resource continues to flap.
> The resource we want to manage : Yumrepo[rhel-6-server-optional-rpms] 
> The Puppet change : enabled changed ' 1' to '1'
> RedHat want : *"enabled= 1"*
> Puppet want : "enable=1"
> As we can see, there is a white space on original state (RedHat generated 
> file).
> The change occurs every 4 hour (with 30 minutes runtime interval agent), i 
> did not looking for the process which generate the redhat.repo file.
> rhsm (/etc/rhsm/rhsm.conf) manage the yum repo file : 
> # Manage generation of yum repositories for subscribed content:
> manage_repos = 1
> [rhsmcertd]
> # Frequency of certificate refresh (in minutes):
> certFrequency = 240
> The certFrequency seems to match with the change which occurs every 4 
> hours, i did not test it.

The problem is that you are managing the same resource via two different 
services.  You are lucky that you are just flapping between two equivalent 
states.  Choose one system or the other to manage the configuration for 
that repo.


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