the yumrepo resource creates a *.repo file for every resource. The redhat thing just puts all repos in one big file. and if you remove the redhat.repo, on a subscribed system, this file will be recreated depending on the subscribed channel.

I did not test it in puppet3.x, but maybe it could work : still on 2.7, and reworking our rep module is just sitting on the todo.

in redhat.rep, set enabled to 0 for all repos (augeas ?)
manage the redhat subscribed repos/channels with puppet

we do mirror all subscribes RH repos with mrepo, and point all or RH to the local repos. also we register our systems using the subscription manager, to our local SAM (subscription asset manager ...)

SAM does not work with rhn, so maybe moving to the subscription thing is not a bad idea.

something to look at ...   maybe ?



On 20/05/14 19:45, DjE wrote:
Le 20/05/2014 15:47, jcbollinger a écrit :

On Tuesday, May 20, 2014 3:38:51 AM UTC-5, DjE wrote:

    Hi all,

    We find that the yumrepo resource is flapping on RedHat 6
    Enterprise with the redhat.repo file since Puppet 3.4.x version
    (due to a change about attribute content control)

    We have updated with the latest Puppet 3.6 server and agent,
    because we saw this commit :
    but the resource continues to flap.

    The resource we want to manage :
    The Puppet change : enabled changed ' 1' to '1'

    RedHat want : *"enabled= 1"*
    Puppet want : "enable=1"

    As we can see, there is a white space on original state (RedHat
    generated file).

    The change occurs every 4 hour (with 30 minutes runtime interval
    agent), i did not looking for the process which generate the
    redhat.repo file.

    rhsm (/etc/rhsm/rhsm.conf) manage the yum repo file :

    # Manage generation of yum repositories for subscribed content:
    manage_repos = 1

    # Frequency of certificate refresh (in minutes):
    certFrequency = 240

    The certFrequency seems to match with the change which occurs
    every 4 hours, i did not test it.

The problem is that you are managing the same resource via two different services. You are lucky that you are just flapping between two equivalent states. Choose one system or the other to manage the configuration for that repo.


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I agree with you about this potential conflict, but it's a default RedHat configuration with rhsm, and it does not manage exactly the same thing.

Puppet enable the "rhel-6-server-optional-rpms" which is not by enabled default, and we never said rhsm to enable it (redhat subscription side), so rhsm respect the local decision made via Puppet with the Yumrepo, so it's just a syntax conflict, it could be a nice thing that Puppet use the same syntax.

Puppet manage the rhsm.conf file so i tried to disable the manage_repos option, but the redhat.repo file has been destroyed by the rhsmcertd service, and disabled all RedHat repositories. Then Puppet creates the /etc/yum.repos.d/rhel-6-server-optional-rpms.repo file with just the "enabled=1" parameter currently define by the Yumrepo resource. We don't want to (re)define all the redhat repository urls one by one with the YumRepo resource, maybe there is a better solution.

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Johan De Wit

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