On Wednesday, May 21, 2014 11:44:43 AM UTC-5, Andre Nathan wrote:
> On Wednesday, May 21, 2014 1:14:31 PM UTC-3, Garrett Honeycutt wrote:
>> Your usage of a base node that other nodes inherit is an anti-pattern 
>> though and will cause you grief as you grow.
> Why is it an anti-pattern? Isn't variable inheritance supported? Why can't 
> I organize my nodes in sub-directories? It's something simple that greatly 
> enhances code organization.

Limited node inheritance is OK if you really understand what you're doing.  
Most people don't: node inheritance doesn't work the way they expect.  The 
OO meaning of "inheritance" leads them in the wrong direction.

Multiple levels of node inheritance are a particularly precarious: in 
addition to inheritance likely not working as you expect or want, a node 
inheritance hierarchy locks you into a single principle node taxonomy.  Few 
real sites are well modeled by such a regime.


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