On Wednesday, June 25, 2014 4:44:27 PM UTC-5, mpou...@afilias.info wrote:
> While migrating our local modules from puppet 2 to puppet 3 I think I've 
> found a backwards-incompatible change that's not listed in the release 
> notes.  I'd like to verify that what I'm seeing is expected, and make sure 
> I'm not missing any other side-effects of the change.
> In puppet 2 templates, array slices which returned a single element were 
> still returned as an array, so a structure like this was valid:
>     <%- myarray[-1].each do |text| -%>
>     <%=text%>
>     <%- end -%>
> In puppet 3 templates this throws an error:
> undefined method `each' for "foo":String at ...
> It looks like slices that return only a single element are now returned as 
> the type of the array element rather than as an array.  I don't see this 
> change mentioned anywhere at <
> http://docs.puppetlabs.com/puppet/3/reference/release_notes.html>.
> Is there anything else to this change that I'm missing, or are there other 
> side-effects to this I should be watching out for?


   1. The meaning of Ruby scriptlet code in an ERB template is determined 
   by Ruby, not by Puppet.  If there had been a change, then there would be no 
   particular reason to expect it to be called out in Puppet's release notes.
   2. The Ruby expression myarray[-1] does not compute an array slice, it 
   returns the last element of the array.  As far as I am aware, it hasn't 
   computed a slice in any version of Ruby.  The behavior you describe is 
   normal, and does not itself reflect a change in Puppet *or* Ruby.
Presumably the real code that caused you trouble has something more subtle 
going on.  For example, maybe the structure of myarray ends up being 
different in Puppet 3 than in Puppet 2. I would need to see the real 
manifests by which its value is assigned to guess at why.


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