> Found my own answer - so though i'd post it here incase anyone else is 
> trying to learn this stuff :)

The variable i was trying to reference was located inside a class, so it 
would have had to have been referenced as %{classname::variable}, this is 
considered bad practice as its not a top scope variable and it could run 
into issues further down the track - my solution was to create a puppet 
custom fact and reference it via ${::fact_name}

This is a snippet from my custom fact, so I hope it helps someone else;

All the hosts are named type-role-env-loc eg

machine_role.rb is the file name and i had it located in the base module 
puppet/modules/base/lib/facter <-- stuff in this dir 
(modulename/lib/facter) is automatically picked up by puppet.

Facter.add('machine_role') do
>   setcode do
>     $hostname = Facter.value('hostname')
>     case $hostname
>       when /-vmhost-/
>         $machine_role = 'vmhost'
>      when /-Othermachinenames-/
>         $machine_role = 'whatever'
>      default
>         $machine_role = 'unknown'
>      end
>   end
> end

so that above creates a puppet custom fact, which facter -p (-p tell it to 
use puppet custom manifests) will return 
machine_role => <rolename>

If you're testing on a local machine outside of puppet set your path to 
where the facter file is located

$ export FACTERLIB=~/puppet/modules/base/lib/facter:$FACTERLIB
$ facter machine_role

inside hiera.conf i setup a hierarchy and one of the lines was...
 - role/%{::machine_role}

so I had a directory created inside the :datadir: dir called roles which 
contains files like

also a quick way to see if things are working properly..

hiera -d -c /path/to/hiera.yaml param_to_check ::machine_role=vmhost

Once you have this setup in puppet and *IF* you have updated your 
hiera.conf make sure you restart puppet!

This gave me the ability if required to have different conditions for 
different host types as defined by their hostname.


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