Puppet 3.6.2

First, I understand that Execs try not to run multiple times if called many 
times by many resources and typically wait until they've all been 
"collected" from all resources, but I have a specific case where I need 
different Execs to run in a particular order based on a set of resources 
that change.   

The basic pattern is:
1.  Install/update Configuration file (configuration gets updated on all 
version changes)
2.  Stop Exec script subscribes to Configuration file
3.  Package Install/update notifies Start Exec script
4.  Package requires Configuration file

The basic resource ordering in the manifest looks like:

  require foo::config  # This contains the File['Config'] resource

  #This might be redundant, but trying to force this relationship
  File['Config'] -> Package["foo"]

  package { ["foo"]:
    ensure  => "${version}-${release}",
    notify  => Exec['start']

  # Start, stop, restart functions for ads server
  file {"/usr/local/sbin/control.sh":
    source => "puppet:///modules/foo/control.sh",
    ensure => present,
    owner  => root,
    group  => root,
    mode   => 0744,

  exec { "stop":
    path        => 
    command     => '/usr/local/sbin/control.sh stop',
    refreshonly => true,
    logoutput   => true,
    subscribe   => File['Config'],
    require     => File['/usr/local/sbin/control.sh']

  exec { "start":
    path        => 
    command     => '/usr/local/sbin/control.sh start',
    refreshonly => true,
    logoutput   => true,
    require     => File['/usr/local/sbin/control.sh']

However, when puppet apply runs this is what happens:

1.  Configuration file is installed/updated, schedules a refresh of Stop 
2.  Package is installed, schedules refresh of Start Exec
3.  Start Exec runs
4.  Stop Exec runs

There's probably a better way of doing this (possibly with run stages), I'm 
just curious why this plan does not work.   I'm very open to improvements.

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