What you've stumbled on is the concept of public and private classes. 
Public and private
classes are implemented very differently. A public class is your module's 
entry point,
this is how people interact with your module. A public class is where you 
define your
module's API. Private classes, on the other hand, are not meant to be 
called outside your
module. Private classes are the meat of your module. This is where you will 
implement your module's functionality. A public class should be the only 
way a user can
interact with your private classes. Public classes should generally do very 
little. I
typically limit my public classes to validating the inputs received by my 
parameters and
calling my private classes. Since examples speak louder than words, here's 
an example:

# my_module/manifests/init.pp
class my_module (
  $var1 = $my_module::params::var1, 
  $var2 = $my_module::params::var2, 
  $var3 = $my_module::params::var3, 
) inherits my_module::params { 

  # Validate my parameters

  # Call my 'private' classes
  class { 'my_module::install': } ->
  class {'my_module::config': } ~>
  class {'my_module::service'} ->


The 'my_module' class is my public class. It has three parameters. All this 
class does is
validate my three parameters and call my private classes. Let's take a look 
at those
private classes:

# my_module/manifests/install.pp
class my_module::install (
  $var1 = $my_module::var1,
  $var2 = $my_module::var2,
) {


  # Body of the class



# my_module/manifests/config.pp
class my_module::config (
  $var2 = $my_module::var2,
  $var3 = $my_module::var3,
) {


  # Body of the class



# my_module/manifests/service.pp
class my_module::service (
  $var1 = $my_module::var1,
  $var2 = $my_module::var2,
  $var3 = $my_module::var3,
) {

  # Body of the class



As you can see, I've marked my private classes with the private function. 
This function
has not yet been released in stdlib, but is available in trunk
(https://github.com/puppetlabs/puppetlabs-stdlib#private). Google can show 
you how
to implement this functionality in the DSL, if you prefer. The private 
classes concept
allows us to make some assumptions that affect the design of this module, 
calling the variables in my_module without inheriting it first. We're 
assuming that, since
this is a private class, it will not be called independently of my_module, 
and those
variables will always be accessible.

This pattern can be found in a number of modules on the forge. Note, that 
these modules
don't use the private function since it hasn't been released yet. They 
assume that the
private classes are only being called inside their module. Here are some 


This is emerging very quickly as a good design pattern that fosters 
simplicity, good separation of concerns, and clear data flow.

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