This is on Amazon Linux on EC2 - Puppet Agent and master are at 2.7.25

Manual runs of facter and puppet `puppet agent -t` complete successfully 
and produce no errors. how were if puppet runs either as service daemon or 
cron I get the above error in the log.

Here is the error

Nov 17 21:47:36 servername puppet-agent[123]: Starting Puppet client 
version 2.7.25
Nov 17 21:47:36 servername puppet-agent[123]: Could not run Puppet 
configuration client: *Could not retrieve local facts: private method 
`scan' called for nil:NilClass*

This is the custom fact which is producing the error
Any reason why this code would run successfully manually but fail a daemon?

cat /usr/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/facter/ec2tags.rb

require 'facter'

if Facter.value("ec2_instance_id") != nil
  instance_id = Facter.value("ec2_instance_id")
  region = Facter.value("ec2_placement_availability_zone")[0..-2]
  tags = Facter::Util::Resolution.exec("ec2dtag -O key -W secret_key 
--filter \"resource-id=#{instance_id}\" --region #{region} | cut -f 4-|awk 
'BEGIN{FS=\" \";OFS=\"|\"} {$1=$1; print $0}'")
  tags.scan(/(.*)\|+(.*)/) do |key, value|
   fact = "ec2_tag_#{key}"
   Facter.add(fact) { setcode { value } }

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