On Wed, 20 May 2015 15:06:57 +0200
Arnau Bria wrote:


me again with answer to both problems :-)

> Now I've been modifying its conf in hiera :
> zabbix::zabbix_url: 'zabbix.linux.crg.es'
> zabbix::zabbix_version: '2.2'
> zabbix::manage_repo: 'false'
> But seems that the module is ignoring those parameters.
> I've to modify them in zabbix::params .

> then I have a second question. If I use postgres DDBB, the run fails
> with the error:
> where are those pgsql files? I dont' have any pgsql file in my system.

 # Allow to customize the path to the Database Schema,
  if ! $database_schema_path {
    case $::operatingsystem {
      'centos','redhat','oraclelinux' : {
            $schema_path   =
 "/usr/share/doc/zabbix-*-pgsql-${zabbix_version}*/create" }
        default : {
            $schema_path   = '/usr/share/zabbix-*-pgsql'

I'm runnnig Scientifi Linux which is not listed in the above case

Sorry for the noise,

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