Hey folks,

How you guys maintain your ec2 instances using aws module from command 
line? I intend to rely on RAL or mco to be able to provision instances on 
demand, without declaring them in puppet/hiera, but just take defaults from 
there. I want to let my build server to execute command like:

puppet resource ec2_instance <hostname> ensure=present =<value>

so it could take defaults(ami, region etc) from hiera and kick few build 
instances with unique hostnames.

I faced with some issues here: not all params can be passed to RAL, namely 
user*_data, block*devices

puppet resource ec2*instance someinstance ensure=present 
region=eu-central-1 image*id=xxxxx security*groups='xxxxx' subnet=xxxxx 
instance*type=m3.medium block*devices=[{'delete*on*termination':'true', 
'volume*size':10, 'device*name':'/dev/sda'}] Error: Could not run: Invalid 
parameter setting volume*size:10,

seems its not possible to pass hash to 'puppet resource' either.

Any thoughts on how can I pass these attributes or how to force usage of 
defaults from hiera?

Much appreciated, Sergey

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