Regarding advise to use 'puppet apply -e'

Some odd issue with processing resource $title by erb template

I call

puppet apply -e "ec2_instance {"szemlyanoy-test-5": ensure => present, 
region => eu-west-1, image_id => ami-12249661, instance_type => 
'm3.medium', key_name => 'CLI_Deploy', security_groups => ['Allow all'], 
subnet =>  'ec2_generic', user_data => 
template('files/'), block_devices => [{'device_name' => 
'/dev/sda1', 'delete_on_termination' => 'true', volume_size => 15}]}"

where in template('files/')  I use few commands like

hostnamectl set-hostname <%= @title %>.somedomain

and it applies hostname 'main.somedomain'

So cannot get from where this $title evaluates to 'main' ?

Thanks in advance

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