
I would like to setup my LVM first 
mount that in /var/lib/pgsql/9.2/data and then use

# default
    class { 'postgresql::globals':
      manage_package_repo => false,
      version             => '9.2',
      class { 'postgresql::server':

now for testing I haven't installed /dev/sdc which is my phys disk for the 

I would like the install of postgress to fail

    # predefined mounts
    # not done via lvm - can't do labels !

    # setup PG Data directory first
    file { '/var/lib/pgsql':
      ensure   => 'directory',
      group    => '26',
      mode     => '0700',
      owner    => '26',

    file { '/var/lib/pgsql/9.2/':
      ensure   => 'directory',
      group    => '26',
      mode     => '0700',
      owner    => '26',

    # incuded as part of the postgres module
#    file { '/var/lib/pgsql/9.2/data':
#      ensure   => 'directory',
#      group    => '26',
#      mode     => '0700',
#      owner    => '26',
#    }

    filesystem { '/dev/vg_pgdata/lv_pgdata':
      ensure => 'present',
      fs_type => 'ext4',
      options => '-L ybPGData',

    mount { '/var/lib/pgsql/9.2/data':
      ensure  => 'mounted',
      device  => 'LABEL=ybPGData',
      dump    => '1',
      fstype  => 'ext4',
      options => 'defaults',
      pass    => '2',
      target  => '/etc/fstab',

    volume_group { 'vg_pgdata':
      ensure => present,
      physical_volumes => '/dev/sdc1'

    logical_volume { 'lv_pgdata':
      ensure => present,
      volume_group => 'vg_pgdata',
      size => '20G',

    # latest postgres rpm
    package { 'pgdg-centos92-repo':
      name => 'pgdg-centos92',
      ensure => 'installed',
      provider => 'rpm',
      source => 
      install_options => [

    # have to overwrite the repo file
    file { 're_pgdg-centos92':
      ensure => present,
      path => '/etc/yum.repos.d/pgdg-92-centos.repo',
      content => file('profile/ybpostgresql92/pgdg-92-centos.repo'),
      owner => 'root',
      group => 'root',
      mode => 'u=rw,g=r,o=r',

    # default
    class { 'postgresql::globals':
      manage_package_repo => false,
      version             => '9.2',
      class { 'postgresql::server':

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