*I wanted to share some significant developments as we progress towards a
Puppet Platform 6 release. I encourage you to try out nightly builds
available in the puppet6
Unvendoring Semantic PuppetPreviously, the puppet repo, puppet-agent and
puppetserver vendored/packaged different versions of the semantic_puppet
gem. We've untangled that mess so that in Platform 6:* puppet has a runtime
gem dependency on the semantic_puppet gem* puppet-agent bundles the
semantic_puppet 1.0.2 gem* puppetserver no longer knows about puppet's
transitive gem dependencies* we can bump the semantic_puppet version in
puppet-agent in the future without breaking puppetserver running on the
same host. The same is true for other puppet runtime gem dependencies like
fast_gettext and multi_json.See
<https://tickets.puppetlabs.com/browse/PA-1880> for more details.2. Puppet
Platform 6 requires Ruby 2.3Puppet Platform 6 requires Ruby 2.3 or up, so
we can now use modern syntax such as keyword arguments, dig, squiggly
heredocs, etc. Puppet will error when running on unsupported ruby versions
such as 2.2, which went EOL on March 31, 2018.Since puppetserver runs
puppet code in a JRuby interpreter and JRuby 1.7 conforms to the 1.9.3 Ruby
language, we first had to move puppetserver from JRuby 1.7 to 9K. In
Platform 5, we made it possible to opt into using JRuby 9K. In Platform 6,
we will drop JRuby 1.7 and only support JRuby 9.1.x.x, which conforms to
Ruby 2.3.To ensure puppet code does not break puppetserver/JRuby, we've
started running puppet PRs against JRuby 9K in TravisCI.See
<https://tickets.puppetlabs.com/browse/PUP-6893> and
<https://tickets.puppetlabs.com/browse/SERVER-2155> for more details.3.
Intermediate CA improvementsCurrently, customers can set up Puppet to use
an intermediate CA by manually generating and distributing certificates and
keys, installing them in the proper locations on disk, for both the master
and agent. This is time intensive, error prone, and even once these certs
have been put in place, full validation using CRL chains was not
possible.For Puppet 6, we we are making both tooling and functionality
improvements to this process. In this increment, we have implemented full
validation with chained certificates and CRLs, and we have changed the
agent-side SSL bootstrapping to automatically download these full chains
from the master and store and use them appropriately. It is now no longer
necessary for intermediate CA users to manually distribute SSL files to
their agents. On the server side, we are working to create a puppetserver
CLI for setting up and interacting with the CA. See
<https://tickets.puppetlabs.com/browse/SERVER-2171>.4. Server-stack
containerizationWe’ve been working primarily on the automation and tooling
to improve building and shipping updated containers for the Puppet Platform
server components (puppetserver, puppetdb, and r10k). The build tooling for
these containers has moved into the individual project repos, and we’re
getting very close to having containers that will auto-publish to
dockerhub.We also have a number of workflow improvements planned for
running the server stack in a containerized environment. That work will be
beginning in the near future.See
<https://tickets.puppetlabs.com/browse/CPR-560> and
<https://tickets.puppetlabs.com/browse/CPR-592> for more details on the
ongoing and upcoming work.5. MCollective has been removedFor Puppet
Enterprise users, we’ve already been recommending the new orchestrator for
some time. Last summer, we introduced Bolt and Tasks. We feel these
technologies solve most of the problems MCollective did, and are removing
it from the puppet-agent so that we can focus on other engineering
efforts.While we’d obviously love to see everyone move to Tasks, if you
depend strongly on MCollective then it is still maintained by R.I.Pienaar
at https://choria.io <https://choria.io>. 6. Includes the Resource APIThe
Resource API provides a simple way to create new native resources in the
form of types and providers for Puppet. Using a little bit of ruby, you can
finally get rid of that brittle exec, or manage that one API that eluded
you until now.See https://github.com/puppetlabs/puppet-resource_api
<https://github.com/puppetlabs/puppet-resource_api> and
<https://github.com/puppetlabs/puppet-specifications> for more details on
how to use it.*

Josh Cooper | Software Engineer
j...@puppet.com | @coopjn

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