It sounds like your atqapache::vhost type is attempting to create 
the /var/www/dev/user1/client1 directory for every vhost that is defined.  
Can you post your definition for this type here?

On Friday, September 7, 2018 at 5:05:44 PM UTC-4, Ugo Bellavance wrote:
> Hi,
> I have made a module, a long time ago, that allows me to create 
> directories and httpd config files.
> My pattern is /var/www/dev/$devuser/$clientname/$appname/
> It worked perfectly until I ended up having more than one $appname for the 
> same $clientname. Here's the error message I get:
> Error: Could not retrieve catalog from remote server: Error 400 on SERVER: 
> Duplicate declaration: File[/var/www/dev/user1/client1] is already declared 
> in file /etc/puppet/modules/atqapache/manifests/vhost.pp:146; cannot 
> redeclare at /etc/puppet/modules/myapache/manifests/vhost.pp:146 on node 
> The directive responsible for the creation of the folder is this one:
>     file { [ "$client_base", ]:
>       ensure  => 'directory',
>       owner   => "$owner",
>       group   => "$group",
>       mode    => 0744,
>     }
> This line defines the variable: 
>     $vhost_base = 
> "${atqapache::params::home}/$envstage/$client-${application}"
> Here's my declaration:
>   atqapache::vhost { 'client1-user1app1dev1' :
>     client         => 'client1',
>     envstage       => 'dev',
>     application    => 'app1',
>     devuser        => 'user1',
>   }
>   atqapache::vhost { 'client1-user1app2dev11' :
>     client         => 'clien1',
>     envstage       => 'dev',
>     application    => 'app2',
>     devuser        => 'user1',
>   }
> Does anyone know how I could modify my code so that I can have more than 
> one app per client?
> Thanks,

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