On Thursday, August 22, 2019 at 1:13:59 AM UTC-5, Zhang Zhao wrote:
> Hi, 
> I am new to Puppet. Trying to set up a test environment. But the agent 
> could not request a certificate as connection refused. I made sure that 
> puppet server was running and service was enabled. Anyone can let me know 
> where was wrong? Thanks.
A "connection refused" message such as that describes a general networking 
error, not specific to Puppet.  It should be taken to indicate that the 
local machine successfully resolved a remote address to attempt a 
connection to, but its connection attempt was actively rejected.  Such a 
rejection almost always means one of two things:

   - there is no service currently accepting connections on the target port 
   on the remote machine, or
   - a firewall, proxy, or other component in the network path between the 
   two endpoints actively interceded to block the connection.

You seem to have established that the puppetserver service is running on 
its machine, and for the moment it is reasonable to suppose that it is 
running on its normal port.  You claim that "the" firewall was disabled 
prior to starting Puppet, but do note that there may be multiple firewalls 
to contend with:

   - on the Puppet master (I suppose this is the one you turned off),
   - on the Puppet client (this one is probably not the issue, but don't 
   overlook it), and
   - *on devices in between*, which in your particular configuration could 
   very well include the VM host.

It is not safe to neglect the last of those possibilities, as I can attest 
from personal experience.

But before delving too deeply into such issues, however, do start with the 
basics.  Can you confirm that the name the client is using for the master 
resolves for it to the correct address of the master?  If so, then can the 
client communicate with the master at all (via ping, for example)?


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