On 04/04/2024 12:59, Thomas Lamprecht wrote:
> Am 04/04/2024 um 12:10 schrieb Friedrich Weber:
>> Maybe we could do:
>> ```js
>>     extraRequestParams: {},
>>     constructor: function(conf) {
>>         let me = this;
>>      me.extraRequestParams = Ext.clone(me.extraRequestParams);
>>         me.initConfig(conf);
>>         me.callParent();
>>     },
>> ```
>> ... which, if I'm not missing anything, *should* cover everything (with
>> the cost of allocating unnecessary empty objects)?
> yeah, I just wanted to suggest something like that, albeit I first had the
> (a few times used):
> me.extraRequestParams = Ext.apply({}, me.extraRequestParams ?? {});
> pattern in mind. Mostly an slight performance improvement as we can assume
> that this is either undefined or an object, while Ext.clone checks for all
> different types (in a legacy browser compat way).
> Albeit nowadays one might be even better off to use something like the
> spread operator:
> me.extraRequestParams = {  ...(me.extraRequestParams ?? {}) };
> https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Operators/Spread_syntax#spread_in_object_literals
> Or maybe even nicer, the Object.assign operator, that does not throw if
> the sources are null or undefined:
> me.extraRequestParams = Object.assign({}, me.extraRequestParams);
> https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Object/assign
> But all those are implementation details (of which I probably would prefer
> the Object.assign one the most, albeit no hard feelings), in general your
> proposed solution seems to be the best one, w.r.t sane new usage and
> backward compat.

I agree `Object.assign` looks like the nicest solution, and seeing that
we already use it in our codebase, I'll go for this one.

> btw. hasn't the `submitOptions` config object the same issue?

You're right, `submitOptions` also has the potential for the same class
of bugs. The current usages of `submitOptions` look unproblematic. But
since we go for a more general fix for `extraRequestParams` anyway,
let's handle `submitOptions` similarly.

I'll send a v3 (just noticed I forgot the `v2` in the subject for this
one). Thank you and sterzy for your suggestions!

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