Mandi! Dietmar Maurer
  In chel di` si favelave...

> In theory, a HW watchdog is considered more reliable than softdog.

Just we are here... 'pve-ha-manager' is an alternative to 'watchdog',

Looking at debian package seems so, to me:

 root@thor:~# apt-cache show pve-ha-manager
 Package: pve-ha-manager
 Architecture: amd64
 Version: 2.0-9
 Priority: optional
 Section: perl
 Maintainer: Proxmox Support Team <>
 Installed-Size: 227
 Depends: libjson-perl, libpve-common-perl, pve-cluster (>= 3.0-17), systemd, 
init-system-helpers (>= 1.18~), perl, libc6 (>= 2.7)
 Conflicts: watchdog

but i've not seens this reported on documentation... wiki or manuals.

Also, 'watchdog' deaemon do other things, like reboot if load go over a
theresold and so on, all things that probably are BAD in a virtualized
But probably sysadmin are used to configure it, so... i think it worth a


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