On Feb 22, 2007, at 5:54 PM, Sam Lang wrote:


I'm not sure its time to replace the ledger code. It seems to work ok, and to fix the slowness you're seeing would mean switching to some kind of range tree that could be serialized to disk so that we wouldn't have to iterate through the entire dspace db on startup. That opens up the possibility of the dspace db and the ledger-on- disk getting out of sync, which I'd rather avoid.

We could hand out new handles by choosing one randomly, and then checking if its in the DB, getting rid of the need for a ledger entirely, but I assume this idea was already scratched to avoid the potential costs at creation time, especially as the filesystem grows.

Actually as I think about this some more, maybe its worth considering. Right now genconfig only uses the first 2^32 handles, dividing them up equally amongst the number of servers. That's obviously not anywhere near the possible limit. If genconfig allocated even half of the 2^64 handles to the servers, that would really decrease the likelihood of selecting an already used handle at random, even for a filesystem with millions of files.

Also, the ledger could still be used to keep track of the handles that are created during the lifetime of that particular server process, as well as the ones that already exist if a randomly chosen handle gets a hit. If genconfig allocates over the 1 - 2^63 range, with 64 servers the chance of randomly picking an already used handle is 1 in 2^56. With 16 million files its still 1 in 4 billion.

The interfaces do allow the client to specify the specific handle or a range of handles when doing the create, but we always just get the range directly from the config file. Are there use cases out there where more limited ranges (or specific handles) are requested by the client?





On Feb 20, 2007, at 11:23 AM, Phil Carns wrote:

Robert Latham wrote:
On Tue, Feb 20, 2007 at 07:29:16AM -0500, Phil Carns wrote:
Oh, and one other detail; the memory usage of the servers looks fine during startup, so this doesn't appear to be a memory leak. There is quite a bit of CPU work, but I am guessing that is just berkeley db keeping busy in the iteration function.
How long does it take to scan 1.4 million files on startup?

That's an interesting issue :)

A few observations:

- we were looking at this on SAN; the results may be different on local disks

- the db files are on the order of 500 MB for this particular setup

- the time to scan varies depending on if the db files are hot in the Linux buffer cache

If we start the daemon right after killing another one that just did the same scan, then the process is CPU intensive, but fast (about 5 seconds). If we unmount/mount the SAN between the two runs so that the buffer cache is cleared, then it is very slow (about 5 minutes).

An interesting trick is to use dd with a healthy buffer size to read the .db files and throw the output into /dev/null before starting the servers. This only takes a few seconds, and makes it so that the scan consistently finishes in just a few seconds as well. I think the reason is just that it forces the db data into the Linux buffer cache using an efficient access pattern so that berkeley db doesn't have to wait on disk latency for whatever small accesses it is performing.

This seems to indicate that berkeley db's access pattern generated by PVFS2 for this case isn't very friendly, at least to SANs that aren't specifically tuned for it.

The 5 minute scan time is a problem, because it makes it hard to tell when you will actually be able to mount the file system after the daemons appear to have started. We would be happy to try out any optimizations here :)


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