On Tue, 29 Jun 2010 16:44:18 +0100, Ian Ozsvald <i...@ianozsvald.com> wrote:
> Andreas, I'm attaching two patches.
> 0001 removes the #warning lines in cuda.hpp that make msvc (2008 on WinxP) 
> fail.
> 0002 adds GPUArray comparisons for == != < > <= >=

Merged, thanks!

> Assuming you're cool with the patches I can contribute an updated
> Mandelbrot.py where a reasonable speed-up is obtained using pure
> Python/GPUArray(numpy-like) operators rather than having to implement
> a pure .cu solution. This GPUArray solution sits between a numpy (CPU)
> speed-up and the pure .cu code version. It'll make for a good demo for
> pure-Python folk (like my boss).

Sure, I'd be interested in seeing that.


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