Sorry for delay - I was abroad and had limited access to email.

Dnia 2010-12-26, nie o godzinie 17:26 +0100, Andreas Kloeckner pisze:
> On Mon, 20 Dec 2010 21:41:16 +0100, Tomasz Rybak <> wrote:
> > At the same time - could you look into CURAND patch I have sent
> > to the list (attached here)? Last email I have sent on 2010-12-15 22:06
> > I would like to finish it and then finish prefix scan.
> I've taken a look at your CURAND code, here are a few comments:
> - The user should not *have* to specify generator_count. Instead, we
>   should supply a reasonable default based on the device's compute
>   capability, as you describe in the docs.
>   (Likewise, the docs don't need to be redundant.)


> - I don't like the name "Randomizer". "RandomNumberGenerator" is long,
>   but IMO a better name.


> - What's the difference between the quasi- and non-quasi versions? It
>   looks like there's a ton of duplicated code between the two. This
>   should be eliminated, perhaps by inheritance or through another way.

There are two sets of kernel that deal with "random" numbers.
One uses curandState, another uses curandStateSobol32 to store state
of random number generator. NVIDIA does not give much details about
internal implementation of those kernels - only that
"The device API includes functions for Pseudorandom Sequences and
Quasirandom Sequences" and that in case of curandState sequence
has period at least 2^190 and for curandStateSobol32 and 32-bit
vector sequence has length 2^32.

Removed duplication of kernel sources and introduced inheritance.
It shortened code a little.
Should inheritance be described in documentation, or not as it
is just implementation detail?

> - Tests should go in tests/

There are no test - just example of usage. There already
was code in block
if __name__ == '__main__'
showing how to use rand() function
I have just added code that shows usage of introduced classes.

> - Rename fill_in_* to fill_*.


> Thanks for your contribution! Looking forward to your comments.
> Andreas

Tomasz Rybak <> GPG/PGP key ID: 2AD5 9860
Fingerprint A481 824E 7DD3 9C0E C40A  488E C654 FB33 2AD5 9860
diff --git a/doc/source/array.rst b/doc/source/array.rst
index 5273df9..2b21c93 100644
--- a/doc/source/array.rst
+++ b/doc/source/array.rst
@@ -345,6 +345,157 @@ Generating Arrays of Random Numbers
     Return an array of `shape` filled with random values of `dtype`
     in the range [0,1).
+.. warning::
+    The following classes are using random number generators that run on GPU.
+    Each thread uses own generator. Creation of those generators requires more
+    resources than subsequent generation of random numbers. After experiments
+    it looks like maximum number of active generators on Tesla devices
+    (with compute capabilities 1.x) is 256. Fermi devices allow for creating
+    1024 generators without any problems. If there are troubles with creating
+    objects of class PseudoRandomNumberGenerator or QuasiRandomNumberGenerator
+    decrease number of created generators
+    (and therefore number of active threads).
+.. class:: PseudoRandomNumberGenerator(offset, seed=None)
+    Class surrounding CURAND kernels from CUDA 3.2.
+    It allows for generating pseudo-random numbers with uniform and normal
+    probability function of type int, float, double, float2, double2.
+    Uses curandState to store random generator state and generates
+    sequences with period at least 2^190.
+    CUDA 3.2 and above.
+    .. method fill_uniform_int(data, input_size, stream=None)
+        Fills in array of input_size integer values pointed by data
+	with pseudo-random integers with uniform distribution.
+    .. method fill_uniform_float(data, input_size, stream=None)
+        Fills in array of input_size float values pointed by data
+	with pseudo-random floats with uniform distribution.
+    .. method fill_uniform_double(data, input_size, stream=None)
+        Fills in array of input_size double values pointed by data
+	with pseudo-random floats with uniform distribution.
+    .. method fill_normal_float(data, input_size, stream=None)
+        Fills in array of input_size float values pointed by data
+	with pseudo-random floats with normal distribution.
+    .. method fill_normal_double(data, input_size, stream=None)
+        Fills in array of input_size double values pointed by data
+	with pseudo-random double with normal distribution.
+    .. method fill_normal_float2(data, input_size, stream=None)
+        Fills in array of input_size float pairs pointed by data
+	with pseudo-random floats with normal distribution.
+    .. method fill_normal_double2(data, input_size, stream=None)
+        Fills in array of input_size double pairs pointed by data
+	with pseudo-random double with normal distribution.
+    .. method fill_uniform(data, stream=None)
+        Fills in GPUArray with pseudo-random values with uniform distribution.
+	Detects type of items in GPUArray and calls appropriate method.
+    .. method fill_normal(data, stream=None)
+        Fills in GPUArray with pseudo-random values with normal distribution.
+	Detects type of items in GPUArray and calls appropriate method.
+    .. method call_skip_ahead(i, stream=None)
+        Forces all generators to skip i values. Is equivalent to generating
+	i values and discarding results, but is much faster.
+    .. method call_skip_ahead_array(i, stream=None)
+        Accepts array i of integer values, telling each generator how many
+	values to skip.
+    .. method __call__(shape, dtype=numpy.float32, stream=None)
+        Creates GPUArray, fills it with pseudo-random values and returns it.
+.. class:: QuasiRandomNumberGenerator(vector, offset)
+    Class surrounding CURAND kernels from CUDA 3.2.
+    It allows for generating quasi-random numbers with uniform and normal
+    probability function of type int, float, double, float2, double2.
+    Uses curandStateSobol32 to store random generator state and generates
+    sequences with period of 2^32.
+    CUDA 3.2 and above.
+    .. method fill_uniform_int(data, input_size, stream=None)
+        Fills in array of input_size integer values pointed by data
+	with quasi-random integers with uniform distribution.
+    .. method fill_uniform_float(data, input_size, stream=None)
+        Fills in array of input_size float values pointed by data
+	with quasi-random floats with uniform distribution.
+    .. method fill_uniform_double(data, input_size, stream=None)
+        Fills in array of input_size double values pointed by data
+	with quasi-random floats with uniform distribution.
+    .. method fill_normal_float(data, input_size, stream=None)
+        Fills in array of input_size float values pointed by data
+	with quasi-random floats with normal distribution.
+    .. method fill_normal_double(data, input_size, stream=None)
+        Fills in array of input_size double values pointed by data
+	with quasi-random double with normal distribution.
+    .. method fill_normal_float2(data, input_size, stream=None)
+        Fills in array of input_size float pairs pointed by data
+	with quasi-random floats with normal distribution.
+    .. method fill_normal_double2(data, input_size, stream=None)
+        Fills in array of input_size double pairs pointed by data
+	with quasi-random double with normal distribution.
+    .. method fill_uniform(data, stream=None)
+        Fills in GPUArray with quasi-random values with uniform distribution.
+	Detects type of items in GPUArray and calls appropriate method.
+    .. method fill_normal(data, stream=None)
+        Fills in GPUArray with quasi-random values with normal distribution.
+	Detects type of items in GPUArray and calls appropriate method.
+    .. method call_skip_ahead(i, stream=None)
+        Forces all generators to skip i values. Is equivalent to generating
+	i values and discarding results, but is much faster.
+    .. method call_skip_ahead_array(i, stream=None)
+        Accepts array i of integer values, telling each generator how many
+	values to skip.
+    .. method __call__(shape, dtype=numpy.float32, stream=None)
+        Creates GPUArray, fills it with quasi-random values and returns it.
 Single-pass Custom Expression Evaluation
diff --git a/pycuda/ b/pycuda/
index 2105f40..6859206 100644
--- a/pycuda/
+++ b/pycuda/
@@ -233,6 +233,274 @@ def rand(shape, dtype=numpy.float32, stream=None):
     return result
+# Need to allocate memory for curandState - there in not enough memory
+# (neither shared nor private) on the chip for one for each thread ;-)
+# sizeof(curandState))
+curand_state_size = 40
+# sizeof(curandStateSobol32))
+curand_state_sobol_size = 136
+random_source = """
+// Uses C++ features (templates); do not surround with extern C
+#include <curand_kernel.h>
+extern "C" {
+__global__ void uniform_int(%(data_type)s *s, int *d, const int n) {
+    const int tidx = threadIdx.x;
+    for (int idx = tidx; idx < n; idx += blockDim.x) {
+        d[idx] = curand(&s[tidx]);
+    }
+__global__ void uniform_float(%(data_type)s *s, float *d, const int n) {
+    const int tidx = threadIdx.x;
+    for (int idx = tidx; idx < n; idx += blockDim.x) {
+        d[idx] = curand_uniform(&s[tidx]);
+    }
+__global__ void uniform_double(%(data_type)s *s, double *d, const int n) {
+    const int tidx = threadIdx.x;
+    for (int idx = tidx; idx < n; idx += blockDim.x) {
+        d[idx] = curand_uniform_double(&s[tidx]);
+    }
+__global__ void normal_float(%(data_type)s *s, float *d, const int n) {
+    const int tidx = threadIdx.x;
+    for (int idx = tidx; idx < n; idx += blockDim.x) {
+        d[idx] = curand_normal(&s[tidx]);
+    }
+__global__ void normal_double(%(data_type)s *s, double *d, const int n) {
+    const int tidx = threadIdx.x;
+    for (int idx = tidx; idx < n; idx += blockDim.x) {
+        d[idx] = curand_normal_double(&s[tidx]);
+    }
+__global__ void skip_ahead(%(data_type)s *s, const int n, const int skip) {
+    const int idx = threadIdx.x;
+    if (idx < n) {
+        skipahead(skip, &s[idx]);
+    }
+__global__ void skip_ahead_array(%(data_type)s *s, const int n, const int *skip) {
+    const int idx = threadIdx.x;
+    if (idx < n) {
+        skipahead(skip[idx], &s[idx]);
+    }
+class RandomNumberGenerator(object):
+    """
+    Class surrounding CURAND kernels from CUDA 3.2.
+    It allows for generating random numbers with uniform
+    and normal probability function of various types.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, data_type, data_type_size, additional_source):
+        import pycuda.compiler
+        import pycuda.driver
+        if pycuda.driver.get_version() < (3, 2, 0):
+            raise EnvironmentError("Need at least CUDA 3.2")
+# Max 256 threads on ION during preparing
+# Need to limit number of threads. If not there is failed execution:
+# pycuda._driver.LaunchError: cuLaunchGrid failed: launch out of resources
+        dev = pycuda.driver.Context.get_device()
+        if dev.compute_capability() >= (2, 0):
+            block_size = dev.get_attribute(pycuda.driver.device_attribute.MAX_THREADS_PER_BLOCK)
+            block_dimension =  dev.get_attribute(pycuda.driver.device_attribute.MAX_BLOCK_DIM_X)
+            self.generator_count = min(block_size, block_dimension)
+	else:
+            self.generator_count = 256
+# TODO: cudaThreadSetLimit(cudaLimitStackSize, 16k) on Fermi
+        self.state = pycuda.driver.mem_alloc(self.generator_count *
+            data_type_size)
+        source = str(random_source + additional_source) % {
+            'data_type': data_type,
+            }
+        self.module = pycuda.compiler.SourceModule(source, no_extern_c=True,
+            keep=True)
+        self.uniform_int = self.module.get_function("uniform_int")
+        self.uniform_int.prepare("PPi", block=(self.generator_count, 1, 1))
+        self.uniform_float = self.module.get_function("uniform_float")
+        self.uniform_float.prepare("PPi", block=(self.generator_count, 1, 1))
+        self.uniform_double = self.module.get_function("uniform_double")
+        self.uniform_double.prepare("PPi", block=(self.generator_count, 1, 1))
+        self.normal_float = self.module.get_function("normal_float")
+        self.normal_float.prepare("PPi", block=(self.generator_count, 1, 1))
+        self.normal_double = self.module.get_function("normal_double")
+        self.normal_double.prepare("PPi", block=(self.generator_count, 1, 1))
+        self.skip_ahead = self.module.get_function("skip_ahead")
+        self.skip_ahead.prepare("Pii", block=(self.generator_count, 1, 1))
+        self.skip_ahead_array = self.module.get_function("skip_ahead_array")
+        self.skip_ahead_array.prepare("PiP", block=(self.generator_count, 1, 1))
+    def __del__(self):
+    def fill_uniform_int(self, data, input_size, stream = None):
+        self.uniform_int.prepared_async_call((1, 1), stream, self.state,
+            data, input_size)
+    def fill_uniform_float(self, data, input_size, stream = None):
+        self.uniform_float.prepared_async_call((1, 1), stream, self.state,
+            data, input_size)
+    def fill_uniform_double(self, data, input_size, stream = None):
+        self.uniform_double.prepared_async_call((1, 1), stream, self.state,
+            data, input_size)
+    def fill_normal_float(self, data, input_size, stream = None):
+        self.normal_float.prepared_async_call((1, 1), stream, self.state,
+            data, input_size)
+    def fill_normal_double(self, data, input_size, stream = None):
+        self.normal_double.prepared_async_call((1, 1), stream, self.state,
+            data, input_size)
+    def fill_uniform(self, data, stream = None):
+        if data.dtype == numpy.float32:
+            self.fill_uniform_float(data.gpudata, data.size, stream)
+        elif data.dtype == numpy.float64:
+            self.fill_uniform_double(data.gpudata, data.size, stream)
+        elif data.dtype in [, numpy.int32, numpy.uint32]:
+            self.fill_uniform_int(data.gpudata, data.size, stream)
+        else:
+            raise NotImplementedError
+    def fill_normal(self, data, stream = None):
+        if isinstance(data.dtype, numpy.float32):
+            self.fill_normal_float(data.gpudata, data.size, stream)
+        elif isinstance(data.dtype, numpy.float64):
+            self.fill_normal_double(data.gpudata, data.size, stream)
+        else:
+            raise NotImplementedError
+    def call_skip_ahead(self, i, stream = None):
+        self.skip_ahead.prepared_async_call((1, 1), stream, self.state,
+            self.generator_count, i)
+    def call_skip_ahead_array(self, i, stream = None):
+        self.skip_ahead_array.prepared_async_call((1, 1), stream, self.state,
+            self.generator_count, i.gpudata)
+    def __call__(self, shape, dtype = numpy.float32, stream = None):
+        import pycuda.gpuarray
+        result = pycuda.gpuarray.GPUArray(shape, dtype)
+        self.fill_uniform(result, stream)
+        return result
+pseudo_random_source = """
+extern "C" {
+__global__ void prepare_with_seed(curandState *s, const int n, const int seed, const int offset) {
+    if (threadIdx.x < n) {
+        curand_init(seed, threadIdx.x, offset, &s[threadIdx.x]);
+    }
+__global__ void prepare_with_seeds(curandState *s, const int n, const int *seed, const int offset) {
+    if (threadIdx.x < n) {
+        curand_init(seed[threadIdx.x], threadIdx.x, offset,
+            &s[threadIdx.x]);
+    }
+__global__ void normal_float2(curandState *s, float2 *d, const int n) {
+    const int tidx = threadIdx.x;
+    for (int idx = tidx; idx < n; idx += blockDim.x) {
+        d[idx] = curand_normal2(&s[tidx]);
+    }
+__global__ void normal_double2(curandState *s, double2 *d, const int n) {
+    const int tidx = threadIdx.x;
+    for (int idx = tidx; idx < n; idx += blockDim.x) {
+        d[idx] = curand_normal2_double(&s[tidx]);
+    }
+class PseudoRandomNumberGenerator(RandomNumberGenerator):
+    """
+    Class surrounding CURAND kernels from CUDA 3.2.
+    It allows for generating pseudo-random numbers with uniform
+    and normal probability function of type int, float, double,
+    float2, double2.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, offset, seed = None):
+        import pycuda._driver
+        import pycuda.gpuarray
+        super(PseudoRandomNumberGenerator, self).__init__('curandState',
+            curand_state_size, pseudo_random_source)
+        self.normal_float2 = self.module.get_function("normal_float2")
+        self.normal_float2.prepare("PPi", block=(self.generator_count, 1, 1))
+        self.normal_double2 = self.module.get_function("normal_double2")
+        self.normal_double2.prepare("PPi", block=(self.generator_count, 1, 1))
+# Initialise
+        if seed is None:
+            import random
+            import sys
+            seed = random.randint(0, ((1 << 31) - 1))
+        if isinstance(seed, int):
+            p = self.module.get_function("prepare_with_seed")
+            p.prepare("Piii", block=(self.generator_count, 1, 1))
+            try:
+                p.prepared_call((1, 1), self.state, self.generator_count, seed,
+                    offset)
+            except pycuda._driver.LaunchError:
+                raise ValueError("Initialisation failed. Decrease number of threads.")
+        else:
+            if isinstance(seed, list) or isinstance(seed, tuple):
+                seed = numpy.array(seed, dtype=numpy.int32)
+            if isinstance(seed, numpy.ndarray):
+                seed = pycuda.gpuarray.to_gpu(seed).astype(numpy.int32)
+            if (isinstance(seed, pycuda.gpuarray.GPUArray) and 
+                seed.dtype == numpy.int32):
+                p = self.module.get_function("prepare_with_seeds")
+                p.prepare("PiPi", block=(self.generator_count, 1, 1))
+                try:
+                    p.prepared_call((1, 1), self.state, self.generator_count,
+                        seed.gpudata, offset)
+                except pycuda._driver.LaunchError:
+                    raise ValueError("Initialisation failed. Decrease number of threads.")
+            else:
+                raise ValueError("Need GPUArray of integers")
+    def fill_normal_float2(self, data, input_size, stream = None):
+        self.normal_float2.prepared_async_call((1, 1), stream, self.state,
+            data, input_size)
+    def fill_normal_double2(self, data, input_size, stream = None):
+        self.normal_double2.prepared_async_call((1, 1), stream, self.state,
+            data, input_size)
+quasi_random_source = """
+// Uses C++ features (templates); do not surround with extern C
+#include <curand_kernel.h>
+extern "C" {
+__global__ void prepare(curandStateSobol32 *s, const int n, unsigned int *v,
+    const unsigned int o) {
+    if (threadIdx.x < n) {
+        curand_init(v, o, &s[threadIdx.x]);
+    }
+class QuasiRandomNumberGenerator(RandomNumberGenerator):
+    """
+    Class surrounding CURAND kernels from CUDA 3.2.
+    It allows for generating quasi-random numbers with uniform
+    and normal probability function of type int, float, and double.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, vector, offset):
+        import pycuda._driver
+        super(QuasiRandomNumberGenerator, self).__init__('curandStateSobol32',
+            curand_state_sobol_size, quasi_random_source)
+        p = self.module.get_function("prepare")
+        p.prepare("PiPi", block=(self.generator_count, 1, 1))
+        try:
+            p.prepared_call((1, 1), self.state, self.generator_count, vector,
+                offset)
+        except pycuda._driver.LaunchError:
+            raise ValueError("Initialisation failed. Decrease number of threads.")
 if __name__ == "__main__":
     import sys, pycuda.autoinit
@@ -255,3 +523,17 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
         subplot(132); plot( r2.get(),"x-")
         subplot(133); plot( r3.get(),"x-")
+        import pycuda.gpuarray
+        rr = PseudoRandomNumberGenerator(0, numpy.random.random(256).astype(numpy.int32))
+        data = pycuda.gpuarray.zeros([10000], numpy.float32)
+        print data[0:200]
+        rr.fill_uniform_float(data.gpudata, 512)
+        print data[0:200]
+        data = rr((100, ), numpy.uint32)
+        del rr
+        print data[0:200]
+        data = pycuda.gpuarray.zeros([256],
+        rr = QuasiRandomNumberGenerator(data.gpudata, 1)

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