
I've tried running in debug mode in Wing, but it appears the crash is being 
forced by windows.  I don't get a chance to debug as windows forces python.exe 
to close.

I was pretty sure I tried building and installing PyCuda from the tarball and 
received errors that the Shipped Boost wasn't found (the installer then 
proceeded using (USE_SHIPPED_BOOST = False).  That's why I ended up compiling 
boost myself.  But, I may be misremembering.

Where can I find the cuInit function?  I can't seem to find it in any of the 
PyCuda files...


From: Andreas Kloeckner <>
To: Mike Tischler <>; "" 
Sent: Wednesday, April 13, 2011 9:32 AM
Subject: Re: [PyCUDA] Install - Windows Server 2008 64bit

Hi Mike,

On Wed, 13 Apr 2011 06:06:55 -0700 (PDT), Mike Tischler 
<> wrote:
> I was stuck for a while with a PyCuda DLL import error.  Through
> dependency walker I was able to find a couple of dependencies of
> boost_python that I was lacking.  (As an aside, I'm really confused
> about the dependency of Boost/Boost Python.  It appears that Boost is
> required, but the note on the Wiki about Windows Installation says
> "This set of instructions has not been updated for the removal of the
> Boost dependency in 0.94", which leads me to believe that boost isn't
> required. So, is boost a dependency, or not?)

It isn't. If you download pycuda 0.94, the code will default to building
with its own small subset of boost that comes in the
tarball. (USE_SHIPPED_BOOST = True)

> Now, I'm able to at least import pycuda.driver.  But, Python crashes
> (no error message...I get a windows dialog box that says python.exe
> has stopped working) when trying to do 'import pycuda.autoinit'.  I'm
> able to execute the first command of ('import
> pycuda.driver as cuda') but the crash is on the second command
> (cuda.init()).  
> My questions are 1) what code is run on execution of cuda.init() ?


> 2) Any ideas on what's causing the crash?  I'm leaning toward a
> conflict of 32bit Python and 64bit Cuda driver, but I'll admit that
> I'm learning as I go on a lot of this.

No idea, sorry. Can you run stuff in a debugger to check?

>   3)  In the PyCuda tutorial, it says "Note that you do not have to use 
> pycuda.autoinit–
> initialization, context creation, and cleanup can also be performed
> manually, if desired."  What might code to do that look like?  

Exactly like the contents of autoinit, except that you have more
flexibility in picking devices, for example.

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