Thanks - I'll try looking into a different debugger.  

>Any particular reason to not use shipped boost?
Yes.  I couldn't get it to compile properly.  I tried again by running, build, install and receive errors about missing 
files (boost\mpl\aux_\_include_preprocessed something or other).  If I compiled 
boost from source on the machine, I could then get pycuda to compile by 
changing the configuration parameters.

Agreed - the less moving parts the better.  

Still stuck where I am, though.  The CUDA driver is functioning...I can run the 
example programs in the CUDA GPU Computing Toolkit.  But, apparently the PyCuda 
call to cuInit kills python.


From: Andreas Kloeckner <>
To: Mike Tischler <>; "" 
Sent: Wednesday, April 13, 2011 3:03 PM
Subject: Re: [PyCUDA] Install - Windows Server 2008 64bit

On Wed, 13 Apr 2011 07:30:24 -0700 (PDT), Mike Tischler 
<> wrote:
> Andreas,
> I've tried running in debug mode in Wing, but it appears the crash is being 
> forced by windows.  

A Python-level debugger won't help you much--but the Windows equivalent
of gdb might--so that you can at least get a backtrace, or whatever
Windows calls those.

> I was pretty sure I tried building and installing PyCuda from the
> tarball and received errors that the Shipped Boost wasn't found (the
> installer then proceeded using (USE_SHIPPED_BOOST = False).  That's
> why I ended up compiling boost myself.  But, I may be misremembering.

Any particular reason to not use shipped boost? It just adds one more
moving part. (I somehow remember that there about 15000 different ways
of building binaries on Windows, and if you combine two wrong ones,
things go to hell... maybe I'm wrong.)

> Where can I find the cuInit function?  I can't seem to find it in any of the 
> PyCuda files...

That's in cuda.dll, the CUDA "driver interface".

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