Hi everyone,I'll explain my problem. I created the following code in python. 
This code implements the Nussinov's algoritm.
from numpy import *from matplotlib import *
def score_bpair(seq,i,j,soglia=2):    
score={('A','U'):1,('U','A'):1,('C','G'):1,('G','C'):1}    a=seq[i]    b=seq[j] 
   if(abs(i-j)<soglia or((a,b) not in score.keys())):        return 0    else:  
      return score[(a,b)]
def nussinov(seq):        L=len(seq);    smat=zeros((L,L));  #array (L,L)    
for s in xrange(1,L):        for i in xrange(0,L-s):            j=i+s           
 maxfork=0            for k in xrange(i,j-1):                
smat[j][i]=smat[i][j] #completa la matrice in modo simmetrico    return(smat)
Now I would like to implement this algortm using pycuda's library. What can I 
write into the Kernel function to run the same algoritm faster using pycuda?


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