Few pointers.

Try using GPUArray to store your sequences - it will
allow for you to use some more advanced features of PyCUDA.

Dnia 2011-09-28, śro o godzinie 18:04 +0200, nicola.zaur...@virgilio.it
> Hi everyone,
> I'll explain my problem. I created the following code in python. This
> code implements the Nussinov's algoritm.
> from numpy import *
> from matplotlib import *
> def score_bpair(seq,i,j,soglia=2):
>     score={('A','U'):1,('U','A'):1,('C','G'):1,('G','C'):1}
>     a=seq[i]
>     b=seq[j]
>     if(abs(i-j)<soglia or((a,b) not in score.keys())):
>         return 0
>     else:
>         return score[(a,b)]

Put above funtion into separate kernel.

> def nussinov(seq):
>     L=len(seq);
>     smat=zeros((L,L));  #array (L,L)
>     for s in xrange(1,L):
>         for i in xrange(0,L-s):
>             j=i+s
>             maxfork=0
>             for k in xrange(i,j-1):
>                 maxfork=max(maxfork,smat[i][k]+smat[k+1][j])

use pycuda.gpuarray.max

>             smat[i][j]=max((smat[i
> +1][j-1]+score_bpair(seq,i,j)),maxfork)

First create new array (containing values+score_bpair) and then
again GPUArray.max, or GPUArray.max_subset.

>             smat[j][i]=smat[i][j] #completa la matrice in modo
> simmetrico

Check if you can create new GPUArray to get transposed view
into existing one.

Hope it helps,

Tomasz Rybak <bogom...@post.pl> GPG/PGP key ID: 2AD5 9860
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