Dear all!

I need your help! First of all, let me please introduce myself. My name is Evgeny and currently I am scientific researcher at the university in Germany.

I am working with optimization of the large scale system. Based on the algorithm, I have realized that I can use parallel programming with GPU. The programming language is Python, but I found in Internet, that I can use pyCUDA to solve my problem.

The major time consumption in my program is to solve huge linear equation system in the form *A*X = B*, where *X* and *B* are matrices. The main idea is to divide the matrices (it is possible due to the algorithm and structure) and to obtain the acceleration of the calculation. Unfortunately, I cannot understand how to realize this under pyCUDA.*Could you please provide the example: how to solve such the system within pyCUDA?*

I have mentioned, that there is "CUDA SciKit" [1], which provides Python interfaces to a subset of the functions in the CUDA, CUDART, CUBLAS, and CUFFT libraries distributed as part of NVIDIA's CUDA Programming Toolkit, as well as interfaces to select functions in the basic and premium versions of the CULA Toolkit. Is it a correct way? Or did I make a mistake? Probably you have a better solution? But I still need an example.

*I will be very glad to you, if you can give me a code example how to solve **A*X = B**or **A*x = b**under pyCUDA within Python using GPU. Your example will help me to finish the second part of my Ph**.D work.*

Your support will be very appreciated!

*Thank you very much for your time and support!*

Best regards / Mit freundlichen Grüßen,
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