Dear Evgeny,
*I did something similar while back and  remember I had some difficulties. *
*I used another library called pycula (which there is no support for that),
and I solved the above equation using truncated eigen decomposition*
*. In attached my source code where you can see both cpu and gpu
implementation and the run times. for my code I used *
*which return a numpy array. i remember the is another function that return
gpu array.    *
*another issue is pycula and Scikit **gpu array are not compatible (at
least when I was doing this).*

*Hope I could help.*

On Mon, Feb 24, 2014 at 8:56 PM, Evgeny Lazutkin

>  Dear all,
> sorry for the delayed answer, I have problem with installation. But now
> everything is just fine.
> So, I have installed Scikit (as it was proposed from GitHub) and CULA.
> I am confused. I'd like to solve very simple system A*X = B,  but it
> raises the error:
> *TypeError: only length-1 arrays can be converted  to python scalars.*
> Could you please tell me, what is going wrong?
> I suppose, that I do everything wrong. Even if it to obtain
> parallelization? From the example by Andreas, he used SourceModule with C
> language and for me it is obvious, what is happen there.
> But here, I cannot understand. I have tried to write "own" SourceModule
> and call functions from CULA - but when I try to manipulate with memory or
> write function - comes error - that I cannot do that from __device__
> /__global__.
> Oh...I am stuck (
> Could you please make a code corrections and  give me an answers! Find
> please py-file in attach.
> Best regards,
> Evgeny
> Am 23.02.2014 15:03, schrieb Lev Givon:
> Received from Evgeny Lazutkin on Sun, Feb 23, 2014 at 03:53:12AM EST:
>  Dear Andreas, dear all,
> thank you very much! I will install this package and perform the
> sample code! I hope after that you can correct me.
> Best regards,
> Evgeny
>  I suggest that you install the latest revision of the package from GitHub 
> rather
> than the tarball on PyPI. If you encounter any problems, feel free to submit a
> report via the project's GitHub issue tracker (scikits.cuda is developed
> separately from pycuda).
> _______________________________________________
> PyCUDA mailing list

# CUDA libraries  
#import pycuda.gpuarray as gpuarray
#import pycuda.autoinit
#import pycuda.driver as cuda
#import PyCULA.cula as cula #@UnresolvedImport
#import scikits.cuda.linalg as la
# Routin Libraries
import numpy as np
import scipy.linalg as spla
from numpy.lib import stride_tricks


# Largest Eigenvalue

def cpu(k_,y_, lo, hi,flag):
#    start = cuda.Event()
#    end = cuda.Event()
#    start.record()
    w, v = spla.eigh(k_, eigvals=(lo, hi))
#    end.record()
#    end.synchronize()
#    time = start.time_till(end) * 1e-3
    if flag=="t":
        value= round(time,5)
        print 'cpu: %f' %value

    elif flag=="r":
        raise  ValueError('unrecognized flag')
    return value

#def gpu(k_,y_, il, iu,flag):
#    k_gpu = cula.cula_gpuarray_like(k_)
#    n=k_.shape[0]
#    cuda.Context.synchronize()
#    start = cuda.Event()
#    end = cuda.Event()
#    start.record()
#    w,v=cula.gpu_devsyevx_index(k_gpu,il,iu,vectors=True,uplo='L')
#    newShape=(n,iu-il+1)
#    elmSize=v.itemsize
#    z=stride_tricks.as_strided(v, shape=newShape, strides=(elmSize,elmSize*newShape[0]))
#    w=np.delete(w,np.s_[iu-il+1:],0)#delete zeros from eigenvalues
#    temp=,np.diag(1.0/w)),z.T)    
#    end.record()
#    end.synchronize()
#    time = start.time_till(end) * 1e-3
#    #delete zero cols. from vectors
##    v=np.delete(v_gpu.get().T, np.s_[iu-il+1:], 1)
#    if flag=="t":
#        value= round(time,5)
#        print 'gpu: %f' %value
#    elif flag=="r":
#        value=c
#    else:
#        raise  ValueError('unrecognized flag')
#    return value
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