The following forum message was posted by rekveld at

Hi Fabio,

I've been playing around a bit in a new workspace and I found my error is 
simple to reproduce after your previous message:

this file:
is one of the examples that comes with PyGTKGLExt. 
If I start adding lines like glEnable(GL_WORLDPEACE) I can see in the 
that the java thread starts going up to 100% and memory usage starts increasing
(Strange is that just now I tried again after giving Eclipse a lot less memory
(in order to give you a smaller heapdump) and then it also happens, but it takes
muuuuch longer to reach the Out of Memory point, and sometimes I don't have
the patience to get there. That is not what I expected, but not a solution I
guess, it does slow everything down.)

I am on Python 2.6.6
using pygtkglext-1.1.0, pyOpenGL 3.0.1, pyGTK 2.0, 
what else would you need to know ?

What I just discovered is that in the import section it says

[code]from gtk.gtkgl.apputils import *
from OpenGL.GL import *[/code]

and gtk.gtkgl.apputils imports/redefines (I don't know which, I guess the 
A LOT of the definitions in OpenGL.GL
I suspect that might have to do with the problem ?
It is confusing to use wildcard imports like in this example; in my own project
I import all the OpenGL stuff I need from gtk.gtkgl.apputils, and only two 
from OpenGL.GLU, nothing at all from OpenGL.GL. (I even tried importing all
the OpenGL definitions one by one, without a wildcard, but that did not change

I hope this gives you enough info to reproduce ?
Or should I try excluding libs from my interpreter ?

many thanks,


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