On 25/07/2011 09:56, M.-A. Lemburg wrote:
Could one of the list admins please turn the list archive
of the pydotorg-www list into a private one ?

I don't think it's a good idea to let our setup information leak
to the Internnet via search engines.

The *point* of pydotorg-www is that it is a public list. Private information should be sent to pydotorg not pydotorg-www.



Thomas Wouters wrote:
On Sun, Jul 24, 2011 at 11:19, Thomas Wouters<tho...@python.org>  wrote:

On Sun, Jul 24, 2011 at 06:37, Antoine Pitrou<solip...@pitrou.net>  wrote:

Georg Brandl<georg@...>  writes:
Do we have the resources to monitor it a little more carefully
from now on until we found out what the cause is?  Could it be
some kind of attack?
It looks like power-cycling privileges should be given to more people
(Georg for
example :-)), to avoid potentially long outages likes this.

The problem isn't really 'powercycle privileges', but 'sysadmins looking
after the machines'  (the former should come with the latter.) I haven't
been involved with the setup and maintenance of these machines, and I
shouldn't be the only one who can powercycle them -- everyone with root on
the machine really should be able to, and everyone on
roto-root...@wooz.org (the non-python.org list of admins) has received
instructions at one point or another (actually,  multiple times now.)

Barry, it seems many people with root access on (at least) dinsdale aren't
on roto-rooters. We should probably fix that, and make sure everyone is
added to ~psf/.ssh/authorized_keys on xs4all.nl so they can access the
remote console/powerswitch as well (unless they have a reason not to want
that access, I guess.)

pydotorg-www mailing list


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