On 26/05/2012 01:16, Aahz wrote:
> From my POV, as long as Python is at least half the job, it's appropriate
for the Python Job Board.

It's more subtle than that for me; 50% Python 50% Java? No thanks.
50% Python, 20% html/xml, 20% css, 10% javascript? Maybe. 50%
python, 30% databases, 20% sysadmin (puppet, chef, bash, etc), sure,
why not.

I'd rather not think about that, it gets into ugly gray areas like the
extent to which Jython counts.

Indeed, I tend to do it on "feel" nowadays; is the recruiter just spamming a generic ad to as many places as possible or have they actually picked out the python job board for a reason? If the latter, is that reason one we're likely to agree with? ;-)



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