On 29.10.2015 09:55, M.-A. Lemburg wrote:
> There's currently a ticket open for the alternative implementations
> page:
> https://github.com/python/pythondotorg/issues/842
> The page currently lists a few variants of Python implementations,
> but is not up to date with more recent developments such as
> Brython, Pyston, HotPy, etc.

Forgot the link to the page:


> I think we should try to add all currently maintained variants
> to the page.
> Would someone like to help with this ?
> We'd need ReST entries of the form:
> * `PyPy <http://pypy.org/>`_ (A `fast <http://speed.pypy.org>`_ python
>   implementation with a JIT compiler)
> for each variant.
> Thanks,

Marc-Andre Lemburg

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