On 30.10.2015 23:25, Chris Angelico wrote:
> On Sat, Oct 31, 2015 at 9:22 AM, Matthew Rubenstein
> <matthew.rubenst...@blue-green-group.com> wrote:
>>         Thanks. I didn't receive an email challenge/confirmation message at
>> registration, so maybe that's the bottleneck on the reservation.
> Hmm. It's possible something's running slow or something. I'll let M-A
> or someone answer that. If you've attempted an edit and still can't,
> it'll need to be someone-not-me who fixes that.

If you still can't log in by tomorrow, let me know. You can try
a password recovery to see whether email comes through:


The Mailman emails sometimes get blocked by spam filters
and we recently had a change in the IP address of mail.python.org
which may still be causing a bit of trouble.

Marc-Andre Lemburg

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